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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. ##vote Louis I forgot that Mojo can detonate the smart bomb on ChopBam tonight. If they are scum we're covered.
  2. I'm fine with leaving a vote on Louis, voting ChopBam, and seeing if he uses it. If he is scum then Louis has to be scum.
  3. If he somehow stole it and we forced him to use it that'd be a good reason to vote him imo. If he's got a 1-UP and a warp star again then we could still be in MYLO even if we lynch a scum partner of his.
  4. Am I the only one concerned that ChopBam has seemingly lied about the warp star?
  5. That reason being that ChopBam might have just lied. That's a pretty big reason cause who knows if that puts us at MYLO?
  6. Well, I don't have it. So who else hasn't been checked?
  7. Yeah, and I figured that if it did show up with somebody else that would give him townie points.
  8. ##vote no lynch I have to step out and will be on mobile. @ChopBam Any ideas as to what happened with the warp star?
  9. That it would go to a random person. That definitely makes it seem like more of a "town" item/role.
  10. Honestly, if I had it I would have used it earlier so that town would have time to scum hunt some more. So if nobody has it then where is it?
  11. Now that's concerning to me. If ChopBam was telling the truth then where did it go?
  12. I was going to propose a no lynch, cause I really would like more time to actually read through and make cases. I have been pretty busy and would prefer the extra time. Still, Louis is one of my top scum reads, so I'd be okay with a lynch on her. ##vote Louis
  13. Just getting back trying to skim through. One quick thing that I might have misread. Am I correct in seeing that nobody has the warp star? Cause I sure don't have it.
  14. Unfortunately, I really don't have much time to sit down at my computer before hammer. So, I'll do what I can. I am town and I did nothing on N3 besides force the mask back onto ChopBam. That being said, I don't think you should be looking at the N3 results on just an individual level. While the major point of suspicion with ChopBam is gone (the 1-UP), there are still other reasons to be suspicious of him. Such as his reaction to the 1-UP accusation. I don't think we can rule out ChopBam being scum and therefore a ChopBam/Louis scum team. Unless you know something I don't, ChopBam is not cleared and while he may not be at the top of the list he's still possible scum. So, your list should really look something like this: MojoMan: claims vanilla town and no NK iLikeToSnipe: claims did nothing except force mask to stay with ChopBam ChopBam: claims copy/block of Louis Louis: claims blocked by ChopBam Your accusation against me is based entirely on something I can't prove or disprove. There was nobody watching me that night, so all I have is my counterclaim that I did nothing. The best I can do besides that is to try and offer different possibilities/explanations. I think you are right to focus on N3 since there are so few scum team possibilities there. Unfortunately, I haven't had enough time to follow up on most of my suspicions. What I've been doing is trying to compare what information we can know is true and what info isn't confirmed. For example, KY's abilities are verified by FRAYDO and only FRAYDO so they aren't confirmed. My mask ability was verified by Nodlied and ChopBam, so it is confirmed. Going off of that approach, here are the scum teams that could exist. I will list the ones that include me, but I don't "case" myself so I'll leave that up to the rest of you. iLikeToSnipe/Louis iLikeToSnipe/MojoMan iLikeToSnipe/FRAYDO ChopBam/Louis While they're supposedly "cleared", we don't have any way to verify this outside of themselves. ChopBam was acting pretty scummy at the beginning of D4 and then got into "serious town" mode as the day went on. I am still suspicious of him due to his interaction with Orange and just how much he's claimed that we can't verify. I don't think we should be quick to write them off as a scum team. They've both seemed to be in-step with each other a few times. This is actually one of the only instances I can find of a potential scum team seeming to work together. They both pushed MojoMan on D4. KillingYou/FRAYDO The only person who can verify anything that KY has done is FRAYDO. If FRAYDO is town, then I think we can safely confirm KY as town. I am getting town reads from FRAYDO, but I have been trying to revisit this assumption. KY's role does sound like a town role, but it feels wishy-washy to me, "boosting hidden potential" doesn't sit right with me. That and the fact that town supposedly has two masonry abilities. I don't think this is the likeliest possibility, but it's still something I need to followup on. The other thing that's made me suspicious of this is the fact that scum didn't perform a night kill. The two explanations for that are that scum knew what was going to happen or that scum figured that making a kill would expose them. The only two people who knew what was going to happen were myself and FRAYDO. KY also could have guessed at what was going to happen, but if FRAYDO is town then KY must be town. MojoMan/Louis Just like the other pairings, we only have their own word to go off of what they've done the past few nights. The back and forth between Mojo and Louis doesn't seem that serious and neither have actually put the other in any real danger. On D1 Mojo did place a vote on KY once it seemed like a few votes could land on Orange. In hindsight, that's definitely scummy. Also, we have no confirmation for most of Mojo's ability claims. I wouldn't be surprised if he was vanilla after surviving that lynch, but that doesn't mean he isn't vanilla mafia. The current teamup I've been trying to focus on is MojoMan and Louis, that's where my instincts are leading me. I wish I had more, but this is all I've been able to look into this day.
  15. Also, I don't think we have any confirmation that Mojo's roleblock was random.
  16. I'm just about to head to bed, so I won't be able to respond until tomorrow. @FRAYDO I can't recall, did you get any PM stating that KY did boost you?
  17. Possibly, his original target can't be verified.
  18. Well, I thought I nailed the scum team. But if I'd bothered to read the rules we probably wouldn't have lynched Cat5 and bagged scum. So I kind of feel like a dunce right now... Probably not. Cause I don't trust Mojo.
  19. I'm starting to feel like I'm talking with Shade... Yesterday: didn't know about the random item rule Today: knowing about the random item rule removes the biggest reason I had to be suspicious of you
  20. I listened to them and didn't think they were plausible. I've said that several times already.
  21. The majority of my suspicions were due to the 1-UP. Also, I've never said you aren't still on my scum list.
  22. Because I was totally convinced and was wrong, FRAYDO found the rules actually mentioning random items, and I've been working pretty much the entire time since this day started (currently working for my employer and myself on a side gig). So, I haven't had enough time to do much besides stay up to date this day.
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