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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I'm not sure who's scum, as I've very clearly stated multiple times. So I'm wanting to go for a no lynch since I'm not confident in any lynch target today.
  2. Actually, it was for meta reasons. Suggesting a similar role to yours before and for this game actually, so that was on my mind. Also, the way Orange went about his claim was scummy and was more "how do you do fellow town".
  3. Like I said, I can't know in particular just that it would have been one of the original suspects this morning. But the vibe I got from you trying to case FRAYDO/Sunflower wasn't a town one.
  4. As I stated before, you seem to be trying to create more suspicion to protect one of the players we were originally suspicious of. That and I thought your reasons for scum reading me were weak. But I'm not pushing it further because I have stronger scum reads on other players.
  5. That last one is a very good point. @ChopBam What were you trying to do to FRAYDO?
  6. Well, I don't trust Cat5 yet but I don't feel comfortable enough with lynching him. I'm wary of Jeod, but I don't think there's enough to vote for him. I think I'd only be comfortable with a no lynch or an Orange lynch.
  7. If you're a hider why would you be hesitant to reveal your role? You'd be relatively safe at night and if you're neutral you're not really a priority target.
  8. In terms of content he's not my top suspect, but he is one of my top in terms of circumstance. I'll wait to hear what he has to say before placing a vote though.
  9. We can verify you have a shared doc together. Whether that's a masonry or not is unconfirmed. I'm leaning towards masonry, but it's not something we can actually confirm. I'm just listing all the options I'm aware of.
  10. I think we need to decide if we want to play it safe or if we want more info. A no lynch won't really give us more info, it really gives more control of information to mafia. Looking at the actions, we have three "islands of confirmation": Orange/KY FRAYDO/Sunflower Cat5/Louis Each of these pairs vouch for each other during N1 but they're the only ones who can vouch for each other. For example, Nodlied claims a masonry with Jeod and FRAYDO tracked Jeod to Nodlied with a bonus action; but only Orange and KY can verify Orange's claim of a masonry. There isn't a "third party" to their claims. We can at least confirm a little bit of the other actions Orange and KY have claimed. I can vouch for FRAYDO giving me a golden ticket and nobody has counter-claimed Sunflower for doctor. If we're going to lynch anybody it should be from one of these pairs. I'm leaning towards Orange or Cat5 personally. But I'm still not sure if that's a better option than a no lynch, just that it's the second best option at least.
  11. Looks like Cat5, Louis, and ChopBam don't have a confirmed alibi for N1.
  12. Honestly, the only thing that would make me target FRAYDO N1 as a hostile is if I had an objective to kill him.
  13. One angle we should look at is what could have happened last night, and there are only three possibilities I'm aware of: Mafia performed a delayed kill Mafia decided they were better off all performing actions and no kill The kill was blocked The first two are pretty dependent on meta, we can't really know for sure. But that doesn't mean either of those didn't happen. Blocking the kill N1 is pure luck, but that can still happen. On top of that, nobody has counterclaimed Sunflower. I'm inclined to believe her claim for now, which lends credibility to FRAYDO. He could be third party, but I don't think he's likely to be scum.
  14. It's a perfectly valid strat, I just don't think it's as good as making a targeted kill, but picking someone completely at random doesn't hurt scum.
  15. Random N1 target? He is a good player too, not like he's a newbie nobody knows.
  16. @OrangeP47 I'm sorry my phone has decided to send you to magical Iraq instead.
  17. Yes you did. That was another gambit of mine, but I didn't think pursuing that would help town further. My actions do nothing for now.
  18. Let's do this. ##vote nolynch If somebody can make a good case based on the facts we know for lynching the potential killer I'll go for that. But I think we would be better off with a nolynch today given the fact we had no deaths last night.
  19. That's why I'm not voting for you. Just stating that you're on my scum list. I still am pretty suspicious of Orange. Even in context I don't think he's been acting like town or even how he plays as town. While he couldn't be the killer, he could still be scum. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to sort through the logic and info to figure out our list of potential killers.
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