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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I'm not too worried about a night kill. By killing Orange I got the space stone which is a bus action, I plan on using it tonight before vaulting it. There are two BP players I could busy myself with or I could try bussing myself with scum and getting them to kill themselves. They can try a night kill, but it's just too risky for them. It'll come back down to debating between Brigitte and KY, but hopefully we'll have a little more information to go off of.
  2. You mean could I pass a stone and steal it back? I think so, infinity stone actions happen first then player actions it seems.
  3. That's assuming somebody dies. If I were scum I'd seriously consider not making a kill.
  4. Every scenario I can think of, nolynch is best for us. We'd only be better off with a lynch if we were sure of who was mafia. I'm more strongly sure of Brigitte at this point, but I'm not as sure as I was of Orange. I could still make a strong case against KY or Brigitte of working with Orange, so I don't know who it is. I'm trusting Irish to find out more info and help us figure out who it is.
  5. Well, guess we're gonna no lynch. ##vote nolynch
  6. MAFIA EDIT: I can only steal one stone per night. There is no possible way for me to get three more. Especially when I only know where one stone is. Either way, I'll be able to fulfill my goal tonight.
  7. I've only had the opportunity to vault one so far (when I stole the reality stone from Irish). I'm glad I didn't, otherwise I couldn't have used the power stone. Now that I hold three (reality, power, space) I will be vaulting all three tonight. Thought I'd explained that, but I was expecting a scum Thanos at that point and Irish to be a third party trying to collect the stones (therefore another infinity gauntlet). Orange was my suspect for Thanos, but he ended up actually telling the truth for his character. I've got three stones. Unless you all are just going to up and give them to me I've got no way of collecting them all.
  8. Also, Mojo did explain his double action. He claimed he had a one time ability where he could do two actions in one night. Normally I wouldn't believe that, but his iron armor ability was confirmed. So him doing two actions in one night probably did happen.
  9. I'm not Thanos. If you want more proof look back to when Shade tried to kill me. He attacked an illusion. And if you want even more proof I'm on your side, I could have guaranteed my victory by siding with scum. 6 players left, I kill a town player, then I vote with scum. Game over, I fulfill my victory conditions. I didn't do this because I really did want to help town.
  10. One other thing. Given the abilities we knew, I was actually not expecting Orange to flip as Nick Fury (didn't know who he could have been). It is possible that the unclaimed roles won't line up with a character flavor.
  11. @Brigitte I personally don't have any problems with your inactivity. Inactivity isn't a scum tell, slipping under the radar is. And I don't see you doing that either.
  12. I'm honestly pretty tired, past few days have been pretty long (this one too), so I'm having a hard time organizing my thoughts. Where I'm at right now is I see KY as slightly more suspicious in terms of actions, but I think that's just due to me having actually played with him before. Brigitte seems super scummy with her role claim and Mojo's tracking claim; her actions themselves are also suspicious. My lack of certainty comes down to I could see a way to explain Mojo tracking Brigitte (the space stone gives you a bus driver ability) and I thought both KY and Brigitte acted pretty scummy in the Mojo vote. I'm at about 45 to 55 in favor of voting for Brigitte overall. On top of that, as I mentioned before, I can't quite fit in all of the claimed/confirmed abilities with who's left. Will sleep on this and post more tomorrow. I'd also like to see Irish's analysis of the situation too.
  13. Here's where Irish first claimed it. The first two abilities were confirmed, so I'm willing to believe the third one is also out there. I'm just not sure who could have it.
  14. @TheIrishman You mentioned an ability (I think it was D3) called "Attunement". But I'm having a hard time trying to fit that ability in with anybody who's left. Were you trying to spread misinformation for some kind of gambit?
  15. At this point then it could be anywhere and not necessarily with scum. That's a bummer. I can confirm it was not on Orange.
  16. I don't think you have. Would be interesting to read over.
  17. I would also be interested in an Ace Attorney game if I have the time.
  18. I am saddened that Cat5 was taken out N1. I am assuming that was the doing of Orange...
  19. Honestly, we have plenty of time to get this right. I'm not gonna be sitting idly by while you guys argue against each other either. I'm feeling pretty good about our chances.
  20. That's why I haven't voted Brigitte yet. I don't recall playing with her before, but my memory is fuzzy on my most recent mafia games.
  21. I see it as scummy behavior vs scummy claims that make no sense. I used to almost automatically default to voting against scummy claims that make no sense. And then I met Shade.
  22. So, is town going to pay us for scum hunting?
  23. What does happen once you remove your inhibitor?
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