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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Okay, good to get that figured out. In that case, I'd say having the soul stone shouldn't block a night kill if you have at least one night action.
  2. And the stone description tells you this? How would Orange not know then?
  3. Well, if Shade's town confirm role works as most do, he'd have all of his actions removed. I think he even said as such that day.
  4. Does it block all actions or just one random action?
  5. Incredibles 2 is good, but not as good as the first one. Definitely worth seeing though. An Incredibles mafia game could also be pretty cool.
  6. I don't think anybody can say for certain one way or another if he's in this game. No rules against having him as one of your requested characters. @TheIrishman Honestly though, if somebody picked Thanos and this was my game I'd make them town just to screw with everybody. So while we might be able to determine who couldn't be Thanos it doesn't mean that somebody is Thanos, doesn't mean that Thanos isn't town, and doesn't mean that Thanos' goal is to collect all the stones. It can be a good flavor indicator, but I don't think it's what we should solely scum hunt on. For example, I find your abilities themselves and your actions suspicious. I don't think that you're town and I don't think you're scum, that puts you as TP/neutral. If it turns out you're Thanos, that does not make you more suspicious on its own. It makes you more suspicious given the circumstances of your behavior.
  7. It makes some amount of sense in a game like this (one of my very minor nitpicks for strict flavor based games). Thanos isn't going to be using Iron Man armor, throwing Mjolnir or Stormbreaker around, etc.
  8. What he's saying is that Thanos isn't going to have a non-Thanos ability (i.e. he won't have webshooters). So if he is in the game, we can safely eliminate players from being him based on their provable actions.
  9. I didn't miss what you claimed, I just don't necessarily believe it right now.
  11. Brigitte and Mojo are my two prime suspects right now, I'm thinking one is scum and the other isn't. They are also the two I suspected Cat5 would have passed to N1. Given Cat5's clarification on Mojo, I'm thinking we would have been better off lynching him yesterday. Need to think about it a bit more and see if I can find anything else.
  12. @OrangeP47 If you were to guess, who do you think Cat5 would have passed a stone to N1? I've got a few ideas, but I'd like to hear what you think too. Cause I suspect he accidentally passed it to scum.
  13. I probably keep on forgetting because you are not one of the players I'm starting to focus in on.
  14. >.< I do need caffeine... Doesn't help I'm getting over strep too...
  15. We've got three stone movements unaccounted for on N2 I think, but I'm not 100% sure.
  16. Please let me know if there's anything I'm missing. Just trying to collect my thoughts, think we might be able to nab a scum by figuring out who has/doesn't have certain stones today. N1: Unknown passes power stone to Louis Shade passes reality stone to Irish Cat5 passes a stone (probably time stone?) to unknown Orange holds onto soul stone ChopBam holds/receives a stone Louis holds mind stone N2: Orange passes soul stone to Shade Louis uses mind stone and passes it to IrishMan ChopBam's stone goes to unknown
  17. If you contacted me N1 I wouldn't trust you either. I wouldn't even trust me... lol
  18. I can't help reading everything you post in the voice of Samuel Jackson now.
  19. Oh, I completely forgot about that... I am wondering who would have used the time stone on Irish N1. That really sounds like a scum move to me.
  20. Since this is all based off of public info, here's my list on the stone holders/info. Shade: holds the soul stone, acquired from Orange Louis: claims to hold the mind stone, started the game with it Irish: holds a stone that can mess with role abilities, acquire from Shade (I'm assuming it is the reality stone through process of elimination, had originally thought it was the mind stone) Unknown: holds a stone that can possibly prevent a lynch (maybe space stone?), acquired from ChopBam (through passing or killing, unknown) Unknown: holds the time stone, used it to unblock Irishman on N1? That leaves one other stone unaccounted for. Seems most likely that it's the power stone. At this point I think whoever holds ChopBam's stone (space or power) and whoever has the time stone are most likely scum.
  21. I guess that means we can see eye to eye
  22. I also just realized we're missing the opposite eyes...
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