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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Why is everybody passing their stones to the neutral/third party?!?
  2. None of those are mine. Would you mind shedding at least some light on your goals?
  3. That changes things. Either scum started with the time stone or they stole it. I would think that somebody would report a stolen stone so then they most likely started with it. I think it's safe to assume that it was scum targeting FRAYDO. He's pretty solid town and a roleblocker. Solid target for an action that undoes/blocks an action.
  4. Yeah, maybe they got both from the night kills they made? That would mean that killing a player pre-empts them passing a stone.
  5. So it sounds like scum would have two stones right now (and they would certainly pass them back and forth). Time stone and whichever stone ChopBam had (maybe space stone?).
  6. That's true, forgot about the ability he found. I mean, a 2 TP team is just a scum team... So scratch that thought.
  7. That's assuming more than one has a night kill ability.
  8. Thinking about it, what do you think the chances are that we have 2-3 TP/Neutral trying to collect the stones and no scum team?
  9. Yeah... I wouldn't even consider you being TP/Neutral as an option. I'd be hard pressed to expect more than one non-town, non-scum player this game (assuming a two man scum team). Cause Irish seems to fit the bill for TP/Neutral already.
  10. I think it's more important somebody verifies with Cat5 first. If we find out Orange was lying that nabs us the scum team, definitely worth it. Honestly, if I were scum I'd have considered going after him or you last night. Possible he redirected it from you onto him.
  11. Well, having an item that makes you lynchproof and could be stolen is a pretty good reason to lie about being lynchproof because of an ability.
  12. That is true. Though he could have been lying.
  13. Probably cause he was in a "screw you, I'm lynchproof" mode. I have gotten into that myself before...
  14. If he did, I'm assuming whoever made the kill got the stone. If we can figure out what stone we had we might be able to figure out who the killer is.
  15. Did ChopBam claim he had a stone? I thought he said something but I can't remember. Might be mixing him up with Shade.
  16. I'm honestly 50/50 on buying that, it is just your word right now and in hindsight seems kind of scummy with how it went down (though that could be more Cat5's fault then yours if you are telling the truth). I think we should hold off on any kind of scum hunting through this until somebody else can use the soul stone to talk with Cat5.
  17. Could you give us some details? Yesterday your wording made it feel like Cat5 knew something about Mojo, not just "he felt he was town enough".
  18. Now I'm wondering if what the stones can do will change and players will come back or something. Feel like we're in for a wild ride.
  19. Two unlynchable roles in one game? I do not buy that 20% of the players are unlynchable and town. If you're town then Irish isn't.
  20. That night ability of mine has two utilities. The use involving the stones is very specific and can be used to counter a thief.
  21. Honestly, if I tell you my gambit will be up and I might as well claim my full ability. If you want me to I can. If ChopBam is the thief it won't matter since what I'd do could only affect the thief.
  22. I guess I can put it this way. If KY is telling the truth about losing his web shooters if he uses them on the wrong target (i.e. FRAYDO) then I'm kind of similar as a counter to the thief. If I use my action right they could end up messing up their intercept/steal action and not even know it.
  23. My second ability can be used on either players or the stones themselves. This ability could be used to make it really hard for a hostile party to get access to the stones. I'm trying to figure out just how much I can give away without making it too easy to counter this. But, if ChopBam really is the thief I wouldn't have any problem with a full role reveal.
  24. Well you see, I only got my role PM. I didn't get ChopBam's so I can't tell you for sure what his abilities are.
  25. Oops, did not notice your post at first. I am wondering if ChopBam has an ability to intercept and to steal.
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