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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Like what? I'd be happy to talk but all I've seen are accusations with nothing to back it up.
  2. I mean, if that's what I thought sure. But I think I do remember you saying the stone you got from Irish was "changed".
  3. Wait, I think Shade did say it actually. Can't go back on mobile though. He mentioned that the stone he got from Irish was changed I think?
  4. How do you know? I don't recall Shade saying which one.
  5. ##vote nolynch I don't know how much time I'll have to stay caught up. But it looks like either Mojo is town or it's Irish/Mojo scum team.
  6. I'm probably busy until hammer due to unexpected errands. That being said, Orange does bring up a valid point. Has anybody received iron armor this game? @Louis @TheIrishman @FRAYDO @Brigitte @Killing_You If we get a "no" from everyone else I'd say that's a very solid reason to lynch Mojo.
  7. I think she's claiming a self-heal ability. Which kind of makes sense from the movies, there are a few scenes where she just pops a part back into place.
  8. If I knew the details of the accusation I'd gladly defend myself. But I haven't seen FRAYDO expand on it at all. We would like the details of any actions your role has. For example, Mojoman claimed he could pass armor to somebody or track somebody. So just a brief summary of what you can do. That can help give us a bigger picture of what's going on.
  9. @Louis Would you mind explaining your role for us? The lynch is probably down to you or Mojo today.
  10. I've been focused on Mojo today. Would you mind making a case against Louis? She is on my scum list, but Mojo ranks a bit higher for me.
  11. Seriously. We've got a guy who is unlynchable and acts like a third party/neutral. Yet a bunch of people are just tossing him infinity stones and protecting him?
  12. Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly. Somebody got an infinity stone back from a TP/neutral after giving it to them and found it to be changed. And I'm the suspect?
  13. I don't think anybody is universally townread on D1
  14. I would need an example, cause I don't think I know anything about it?
  15. I could accept that, it's not entirely unheard of. But I think we need to hear more from Brigitte about your tracker being wrong. @Brigitte If you didn't visit ChopBam N1, what did you do?
  16. I've only got one night action, so can't confirm on Mojo using two abilities. Does seem kind of powerful.
  17. I don't recall seeing that posted anywhere. Would make sense though.
  18. That gives me an idea. Everybody in the dead doc can talk together right? Let's make Cat5 the Designated Soul Stone Receiver. We know he's town and it might be good to have a central source of info from the dead.
  19. That seems like a super niche case though. In past games where I was mafia I'd be dumping tons of info in the scum doc if I thought I was going to get the lynch. It's just good practice to give everything to your team if you're scum.
  20. That makes sense too. Also, I thought that Orange giving you the soul stone was another factor for him being town. However, with what I know now I'd want to get rid of the soul stone if I were scum.
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