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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Feel free to do your own scum hunting though. That could still help.
  2. I'm waiting in the hopes of getting the entire scum team nailed down, not just one. We've got plenty of time. I've been wrong before when I've thought I had somebody for sure. I'm pretty sure we're at MYLO, we need to be absolutely sure.
  3. I stole the reality stone from Irish. That was from N2 when I thought he was scum or TP for sure. I did learn something from using it. Which is how I've found at least one scum. Just waiting on @Brigitte
  4. I'm getting ready to head to bed now. Will be around for another 15 minutes or so.
  5. Yes, I've done it with one. I'm holding on to another stone as protection, I'm sure you can guess which one it is.
  6. What's the ability name of your day kill? Be honest...
  7. I am Loki, king of the Asgardians, protector of the Nine Realms. Alignment: Neutral Goal: Secure half or more of the infinity stones so they can no longer be used. After the death of my family and most of my people, I'm determined to make sure the infinity stones can no longer be used for evil. Actions: Master of Illusions - I'm immune to daykills. ##steal <player> - I can swap an infinity stone the target posseses with an illusion I create. Asgardian Vault - Instead of passing an infinity stone I can place it in a secure location so that it can no longer be abused. At this point, I just need to survive and vault one more infinity stone to fulfill my goal. I'm willing to work with town to win the game. One thing I've learned as a neutral is to never trust scum or work with them. So far I have purposely targeted players I thought were scum. Since I'm neutral I believed that Irishman was either scum or TP. But after his investigative abilities were confirmed I do believe that he is neutral. I haven't seen two neutrals in one game for quite some time, but it is possible. I still need to see claims from @Louis and @Brigitte. I'll wait to say more until I see those claims, but I'm pretty sure I know 100% who one person on the scum team is.
  8. Okay, just got home. Gonna be putting some stuff together, I'm 80% sure on scum right now. I'll need role claims from @Louis @OrangeP47 @Killing_You and @Brigitte to be 100% sure. I need your role flavor, ability name, and what it does. I will also be typing up my own role claim. @TheIrishman would also be nice to get ability and goal claims from you.
  9. Pretty sure I know who scum is. Sorry, I cannot post until later. Busy right now.
  10. Okay, so I'm gonna guess that was somehow the time stone? Still on mobile, should be back on desktop later tonight to look through things.
  11. I probably will not be back until a couple hours after day start. Gonna be out and about for a bit.
  12. Okay, Mojo did say he sent armor. @Shade939 do you have armor?
  13. Okay, that sounds like Irish/Mojo scum team... Let me search for something.
  14. Okay, pretty sure I've missed this on mobile. Who did Mojo claim he gave armor to? I can only recall Irish.
  15. Unlike you, I've been looking for scum. You pick a person you think is scum and then try to prove it at all costs.
  16. Read back to the beginning of the day. I said NONE OF THEM WERE back then.
  17. No, that is not one of my abilities. And I'm ready to slam down a full role claim if I need to. But once I do that my usefulness to town through abilities will be over.
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