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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Then I think we're mostly in agreement. Just comes down to targeting Irishman or ChopBam first. Will have to think about it.
  2. Works for me, but I don't expect that to be an issue. Seems like we're narrowing in on victory.
  3. I don't really have time to look back in detail at Irishman, ChopBam, and FRAYDO. Could you type up a case against them? I'll take a look when I can. Should help us all to sort this out. One of those three has to be a bad guy.
  4. One thing I forgot to post, I'd like you to hoster it just in case we have to take FRAYDO out. I don't think he's scum, but if he's not town he's a powerful ally for them.
  5. If it makes you feel any better, he's my next suspect after the three lynchproof players. I'd say he's my second suspect, I'm looking at Irish, Nodlied, and FRAYDO collectively; one of them has to be non-town.
  6. Here's what I have confirmed to myself and some of this is also confirmed to others. I am an item thief and have to distribute an item each night. Orange gives out cake if you visit him. Shade gives Tribbles and runs a store. Cat5 has a nightly masonry and is some kind of detective character. The night Shade got the tape, Cat5 visited me. KillingYou is a Namekian, almost certainly Piccolo. Nodlied is trapped in a painting and laughing. Irishman was lynchproof yesterday. Nobody can vote for FRAYDO. ChopBam can redirect two targets. With what I know, only three people could be handing these tapes out. Nodlied maybe, but I think he's a stretch at this point.
  7. Woah, that just made me think of something. This entire time I've been working on the assumption that each person has a "primary" ability. I've got my item steal, Orange gives out cake, etc. In that sense, ChopBam being a super bus and passing out cursed items seems like too much. But not if he's third party. Third party usually doesn't have just one main ability. And his redirection ability can synergize with giving out tapes. What if he caused somebody to keep on giving themselves the tape and they never got rid of it?
  8. Since we have three players confirming the tapes then we have somebody handing them out. There's five players who can't be doing that. The four that are left I discussed above. Of those four Irishman makes the most sense to me. And the five players I think can't be it have their abilities confirmed by multiple players.
  9. I missed that yesterday. In that case, it's got to be Irish doing this.
  10. From what I've gathered there are two possibilities. Somebody is passing out cursed video tapes or Shade and KY are lying about their existence; which would imply a scum team. I'm expecting it's a hostile TP or maybe even scum being behind this. With what I know, there are only four people who could be passing these tapes out by process of elimination. Irishman, Nodlied, ChopBam, and FRAYDO. Irishman's flavor and role are unconfirmed to me. On top of that, he's our third player to claim a lynchproof and his is only temporary. Combined with the way he's been acting in his posts he's highest on my suspect list. He seems to be putting out a lot of flack just to see what sticks. Until I release Nodlied, I doubt we can do anything to him. Even though he's high on my suspect list, his role doesn't seem to line up with the tapes. I don't see him as a lynch option today. ChopBam is least likely on my list to be our curse giver. He could theoretically be it, but he seems to at least be in the side of town and more of a Cupid role. FRAYDO's flavor, whatever it is, doesn't seem to line up with the ability to hand out these tapes. But I'm still a little suspicious of him given how many anti-lynch roles we have. He's second on my list for who could be doing this. My proposal is that we lynch Irishman again and send KillingYou to the vault to deposit his tape. ##vote Irishman ##nominate KillingYou I believe either Irish will flip as the role handing these tapes out or Shade and KillingYou are a scum team. Unless I've missed something, only they have claimed they received these tapes. And we only have so many players who could be giving these out. If those players I only see Irish and FRAYDO as being reasonable, but FRAYDO is still a bit of a stretch with how hard he'd be to kill and the flavor we get for trying to lynch him.
  11. Oh I know. I just figured at the time it would only give scum an advantage if I clarified.
  12. I plan on presenting a plan. Hopefully in the next 20-30 minutes.
  13. One issue with that is I was attacked N1 and Shade got a video the same night. I guess it's possible they went for multiple kills, which could explain the lack of a kill last night.
  14. Why is this forum so terrible on mobile...
  15. Also, @Shade939 if you want a wealthy customer give me a visit tonight. I also want to see what you have so I can verify some stuff.
  16. Coming up with a plan... I'll try to get a lunch break to type it up. @Killing_You please DO NOT use your day kill!
  17. Would you like more money? Or maybe a creepy painting?
  18. So you can't have your cake and eat it too?
  19. Thinking about potential scum teams. I think if we take out Irish, Shade, Nodlied, or KY today we'll get either non-town or enough info to figure out the scum team. Just not sure on who we should lynch.
  20. Well, I'm heading to bed. Will be on tomorrow to discuss more, but I'm leaning towards Irish, Shade, or KY for a lynch. I'd want to lynch Nodlied, but I don't think that would do anything until he's released.
  21. I don't know how Jeod does it, but I usually only notify a player if it makes sense. If they are BP, then they'd know because they're BP is used up or activated. If somebody was guarding them they might not know.
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