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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I just woke up, read my PM, saw KY was dead, saw you were back, and accidentally typed your name. I targeted KY last night to try and protect him but I was roleblocked.
  2. @OrangeP47 Explain yourself. ##vote OrangeP47 I was going to target Jeod last night but was roleblocked.
  3. It's hard to tell if he's scum or Shade. He's in no danger if he's town and telling the truth.
  4. Nothing in my PM suggested another SCP was present.
  5. Mostly from assuming that a role that cannot be lynched is not anti-town. But who knows anymore? If it weren't for the lynchproof I'd be leaning pretty heavily towards scum due to his behavior.
  6. I want to think really long and hard about why that isn't an issue. Realllllly long and hard.
  7. Also, I'm about to go into a rather long meeting that I need to be active in. I might get to browse here and there but my activity is pretty much done until right before hammer.
  8. I think we need to attempt a lynch on Shade. The results should spell out who's scum because it'll give us the only hard facts we have. Unless scum have some super weird roles we aren't expecting I'm not seeing how they're going to win.
  9. Again, I don't want to actually lynch somebody. I don't expect Shade to die, I expect the lynch to fail. I want to test his claim.
  10. Yeah, and you had some suspicious people to lynch earlier. But you didn't want to lynch anybody since they wouldn't flip. What changed?
  11. I'm scum and I have town confirmed Shade or a cop. Who do I pick... Seriously, you're in no danger unless you're lying.
  12. Now Shade, why would we try to lynch you twice? And that's a serious question. If you're a jack of all trades and have a one off lynch proof from sacrificing your abilities that makes you pretty town in my eyes.
  13. I think it's very interesting that Vertigo and Shade are suddenly for anything but testing Shade. If he is lynchproof there is literally no danger in lynching Shade.
  14. I'm in boring meetings at work, can't check everything.
  15. So... Now you see why we don't know you're telling the truth?
  16. That's why I voted for him. I'm just trying to figure out for sure why you're opposed to this over a nolynch. I could understand completely if you thought there was somebody scummy to lynch, but you're pushing for a nolynch instead. This is a choice between nothing happens and nothing happens or we lynch a liar. It's not that hard to see the benefits because the option of lynching Shade gives us information no matter what and doesn't risk anybody who's town.
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