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About UnspokenHonor

  • Birthday 08/07/1997

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  1. Probably early 2000s (before generals was released) i saw my grandfather playing CNC95... the GDI mission where your in the snowy maps when you first get the MRLS... he let me play that mission and guided me through how to build up resources and such... from that point i was hooked on it....weeks after i started with him... i started playing on my own... and then found the collection he had which had everything up through Red Alert 2 and Renegade... he had me beat each game in order to get rewarded with the next game... was cool and fun as kid back then... generals was probably the first one i actually owned... had that until the first decade sets came out... got that as a christmas present and gave the generals set to my brother... he downloaded that as i did my new copy and we tried yo get a lan game going... he was US Ait Force general and i was running as China nuke general... i remember beating him after about 2 or 3 hours on it... since then ive relived cnc95 RA and TS with CNCNET and now a new perspective with renegade... TSR and APB within the last year or so...
  2. ...95 would be Act on Instinct and Just Do It Up and Radio... RA1 Bigfoot.. Crush.. and HM1 TS was Scouting, Score and Nod Crush RA2 ....HM2 and Grinder or Industrofunk(?) Yr... brainwash Ren was ammo cup and Act on Instinct Generals... Gla attack theme... and all of USA themes After those... im not sure about the names... and havent played more than 5 mins in cnc 4
  3. Would this be the reason that the server for TSR has been down?
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