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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Would not surprise me if Shade put out a sacrificial level 10.
  2. More particularly, it seems to pick people who have battled.
  3. Yeah I interpreted it as Jeod/Brig vs Cat5/Shade. I think the Brig/Jeod team is more likely so I was curious why. Instead this removes the chance we're teaming up a Jeod/Cat5 scum team.
  4. Unrelated KY, but do you gain levels from completing investigations?
  5. Oh I get it. Shade and Jeod vs cat5 and brig. I think I might like that more than I like the original.
  6. What is the argument for switching cat5 and brig?
  7. I mostly read that as flavor justification of why KY can annoy us all night now.
  8. I'm going to collect my reads so far. KY - If the investigation results are off, him actually being scum is an easy conclusion. Delivering healing items is fairly town on it's face. I do not believe he had any repeat pokemon when he posted. Irish - Killed skarmory. No voltorb. About as active as KY. Jeod - Has been very active and participates in discussion. Would be town read without these voltorb shenanigans. Brig - Active and participates. Combination of scyther result and potential for ability to be useful for scum. Cat5. Probably least active player. Same problem as Brig, scyther and potential for ability to help balance scum. If we find a player with a lot of level 50 pokemon we know why. Shade. Probably scum if KY isn't.
  9. Are we talking about the scum gives out eggs in exchange for pokemon theory? I don't like it, it's too messy.
  10. It's less the formatting and more the process of evaluating how likely you all are to be scum and the potential scum teams + lies. One angle we haven't attacked from is that everyone needed to be truthful for 3 pokemon lest they reveal themselves as liars. So determine the pokemon most likely to be competitive.
  11. All these hypotheticals are ruining my brain.
  12. Until then, I want you guys to beat each other to death. I, Warmaster Retaliation, shall be leading investigations from now on.
  13. Yeah, but claiming a flavor of professor oak doesn't really do anything. We can't really prove it without killing you. Actions we can prove.
  14. I asked for more info from cat5 last night and got no response.
  15. If someone's distributing moomoo milk, then it's likely they're our doctor role this game.
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