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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. If Jeod uses thunder like he said, he has a 10.875% chance of losing. A straight up 9% chance of missing twice and getting double hydro pumped (or disabled) or a 1.875% chance of missing into a hydro pump crit. Hopefully the damage I did with crunch carries over so he has some options.
  2. I thought I was pretty clear I had a pokemon weak to water.
  3. Although I think I basically revealed my pokemon at this point.
  4. Well at least you all will see my pokemon if I battle
  5. I guess I'm stuck on why it's important about the failure part. Aren't we interested in what a success looks like?
  6. I'm not really sure what reason you would have to battle me?
  7. ##nominate retaliation I'm going to look really dumb if I die immediately.
  8. Honestly the big danger is coming against a solid physical attacker with high special defense.
  9. *That can one shot me without being one shot by me first.
  10. It gets dicey if I'm against evolved pokemon, but I should be fine short of things like earthquake or hydro pump. It's a somewhat limited set of pokemon that can one shot me at equal level.
  11. Ah, I thought this was about the training bonus we've also talked about.
  12. Do I want to know what all this five levels stuff is about?
  13. Presumably all the other moves are ones an eevee can start with Jeod?
  14. Basically I want to test if me going on an investigation does anything to the thing I received yesterday, as that is the closest analogue to traveling around in game. I should be able to beat pretty much any unevolved pokemon sent out (there's a couple of non evolving pokemon that worry me). I can then report on what we get for completing an investigation.
  15. Do revives count as cancelling one of the 3 strikes?
  16. Admittedly a STAB hydro pump will kill a lot of pokemon in one hit.
  17. I wasn't sure if you were intending to use thunder or not. Could go very bad if you miss thunder into disable.
  18. Crunch. Kills in 2 hits not one, just have to hope there's no crit hydro pump.
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