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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. If no one wants to fight, we can always offer up shade to investigate for volunteering sunflower to fight me :D.
  2. I think there's value in forcing yourself to pick the underloved pokemon when you can. I'm getting the impression you have a snorlax :v. What do I put in for STAB, Type, and RNG effect in the damage calculator?
  3. I think I would be willing to enter a fight against a level 20 if I don’t have a type disadvantage.
  4. I think there’s a point to be made that it incentivises fighting before you put too many resources in one pokemon.
  5. I want to fight, and don't particularly care who I fight. Would make more sense to vote myself rocket tbh. I don't think risking another pokemon on a second investigation is worth it (unless Jeod reveals something). I bet it counts as losing a fight as well so you get one less poke-coin that night. ##rocket retaliation
  6. People only start dying in droves later on based on the last pokemon game. Unsure if attacks by rocket show up in day post.
  7. I agree. Also is anyone interested in doing a lvl 10 v lvl 10 fight with me tomorrow?
  8. This all seems fine to me. I’d change my votes, but don’t have computer access.
  9. The earliest we'll get that analysis is day 2 if investigation wins today.
  10. It doesn't help that shade's reaction to my challenge was to accept it rather than go off the rails as I expected
  11. I was going to dispute that as magikarp is not a chicken, but I guess it is the chicken of the sea.
  12. Speaking of our nominee, we probably want someone who is willing to straight up fight since we're tied for investigate/fight right now.
  13. I think it's whoever has the most nominate votes interacts with whatever has the most rocket votes. They fight if the rocket vote is a player, or investigate if the rocket vote is a location.
  14. I think the argument for investigations right now is that we can figure out how they're balanced against fights.
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