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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Force an equal distribution between all remaining pokemon perhaps? Eh, still makes training pokemon even more of a no brainer.
  2. Do the effects of level differences start to even out as you get higher in levels? By which I mean is the difference between level 50 vs 60 as extreme as level 10 vs 20?
  3. I think we're better off considering this for a later game.
  4. Ouch. I'm fortunate that only half my pokemon would require a major overhaul. 2 are really good.
  5. I should be there. Hammer is at 5 for me and I don't fall asleep until after midnight.
  6. I voted myself rocket so we wouldn't get an investigation on a location.
  7. I get no response before I go to bed. So yeah "ignored". If I have to fight someone who isn't interested in fighting I'd rather fight the one who won't delay the game by half a day. In hindsight we should have just allowed the fight between me and shade day 1. The differences in levels are a lot more harsh than I anticipated.
  8. Hopefully one of the wimpods changes their minds :v.
  9. Okay since we're all in agreement. Is togepi a chicken? If not is it a proto chicken? Which came first the chicken or the togepi?!
  10. We need to establish what a chicken is, because I counted anything bird themed as a chicken.
  11. My first was from the egg in crystal that has a high chance of being a shiny (tyrogue). I don't think I really understood what happened other than it was blue. I believe my first randomly found shiny was wingull in sapphire. Again didn't really understand importance. Then my friend roped me into shiny hunting around ORAS. Calling them chickens is an insult to my team of chickens!
  12. Now I have the urge to check out the shinies I caught in Sun before I stopped playing.
  13. Mechanically. Mantine's cute, but compared to this? I think there might be some hints to alignment in hindsight, but it's hard to tell at this stage.
  14. Never liked mantine that much. Tbh, I don't think I really used pokemon you fished for in G/S all that much. Came kind of late in the game. Nope. It's really down to deciding if I fight sunflower or we space you.
  15. I just realized remoraid is gen 2 and I didn't chose one!
  16. That's what is holding me back from calling for his sacrifice to the altar of Lord Psyduck.
  17. You're arguing how I imagine scum trying to score a lead in levels while taking out town pokemon would. Downplaying the consequences of losing a fight, light teasing about trust.
  18. You get one of the losers coins (effectively). That's actually a complication to multiple trainings.
  19. Six other people, 2 scum probable (scum is only fun as a team)... 1/3 chance I’m helping scum. 100% chance I’m hurting town. Eh.
  20. Well the only alternative we seem to have now is me fighting sunflower. Maybe I just wait a day and do an investigation tomorrow.
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