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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Also we could have given Shade the gun like planned and you wouldn't be dead.
  2. If you had taken the medkit instead of a second key you wouldn't have died. I also seem to recall someone being upset they couldn't investigate a blocked cat5
  3. I was intentionally manipulating the votes hard at the end. Someone took the last evidence key, so I used my ability to prevent people from voting to figure out how others were. I blocked you the night you died to see how cat5 was voting for example. Ah that answers that question.
  4. It probably didn't take much convincing tbh. You were channeling July Crisis Vertigo hard at the end.
  5. So here's the hot takes I've been sitting on all game. I voted radical pluralism night 1 and I think CnC Rivals actually looks kind of fun.
  6. This is why I stopped moaning yesterday about how bananas your role was, because I realized you couldn't do anything if shade stole the gun.
  7. Did you try and kill shade that day where he said he was targeted and we blamed Irish?
  8. You got the perfect role for that situation I guess. Do nearly nothing all game to keep suspicion off and then pounce when it's a 3v1.
  9. This wouldn't have happened if he gave you the gun or picked up the medkit.
  10. I'm fairly certain that crowbar beats out pick up. Just make sure you clarify you're stealing the army rifle.
  11. Wasn't it cat5 that vote manipulated that game where sunflower quit too?
  12. If I get investigated I'm out. It will just be you and cat5.
  13. The game has gone on too long. I could have argued harder for the investigate cat5/roleblock orange strat, but I don't have time to faf around passing a soft reform every 3 days with nothing happening in between. Then the game still might not have ended. Even now I'm fairly certain the game is decided, but we still have to wait.
  14. Half day then? Cat5 seems to have decided how the voting is going to be.
  15. I thought we already learned the lesson that vote manipulating was dumb >.>.
  16. ##voteinvestigate cat5 ##nominate Shade ##voteReform Military
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