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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. ##nominate Retaliation ##rocket Shade939 How dare you sir?!
  2. I spent a lot of time building my team, and now I can't remember what pokemon were meant to be memes.
  3. The 18th is probably the best day to start for me at this point (right after 2 tests). Unfortunately that's also about when I really need to start writing for my senior seminar.
  4. Stop making me second guess my pokemon choices ! EDIT: Crits are automatic when you have some kind of crit booster right? I keep forgetting how the battle mechanics work (and if we're still in type determines special and physical land).
  5. Off by 1 (week) error unfortunately. Next week is the last week of classes, then finals week. Should be pretty clear after that for me. Also at some point my the internet started to behave well with W3Dhub so that doesn't seem to be a problem anymore.
  6. Yeah. Doesn't even work on my phone when it's connected to that wifi. Didn't try opera with the VPN though. I already shouldn't invest as much effort into mafia as I tend to do.
  7. You can't fix everything Tangerine Thunderbolt. Although wikia and xkcd are working for the first time in months here at the apartment.
  8. I've been having problems connecting to w3dhub so I might be unable to play. Internet at parents house (where I live over the weekend) seems to not want to play nice with the site.
  9. You're all just afraid of the raw power my team of 6 psyducks could unleash.
  10. All I'm interested in is figuring out how to buy better underlings.
  11. I'm a little biased on disable, because that move trips me up way too much.
  12. Eh, Jeod might be lenient on that one. In any case I'm not going to do another tonight.
  13. Jeod mentioned it offhand when I asked how the leer/reflect interaction worked.
  14. Probably wise to double check results. Jeod will have to judge if Magnemite takes the full damage from seismic toss. TURN 1: Alakazam used Reflect! Damage taken by team from opponent's physical attacks is halved for 5 turns! Scyther used Slash! A critical hit (automatic)! Magnemite took 7 damage (14 without reflect)(18 HP left)! Magnemite used Thunder Wave! Snorlax is Paralyzed! It may be unable to move! Snorlax is Paralyzed! It can't move (25% chance to fail)!
  15. I'm going to give it a shot and resolve the first actions.
  16. I just realized the next several weekends are going to be awkward for me. You might have to go without a USA (which is fine because the game will be over before I get rolling :v)
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