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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I take it the poison effect could kill a weak pokemon? Here's my proposal. I can take on psyduck. Barring a crit by hydro pump I should survive (speed advantage and 100% hit moves. I don't know if Orange controls the trainer directly or he lets RNG decide, but I should survive (barely). This lets us investigate route 34 and figure out if me investigating does anything. I have a heal item from night 1 (expecting to heal skarmory), and a full heal from the fight itself.
  2. I thought there were a couple of pokemon that were KO'ed in the night.
  3. So the only thing to worry about for me are crits and possible night attacks. How did night attacks work in pokemafia 1 Jeod?
  4. Technically I'm getting 46.08. I'm also getting 46 from the damage calculator (ignoring type weakness).
  5. Someone double check my math. 62 special defense.
  6. To get the benefit in Pokemon you need to go out and do things. The closest equivalent here is investigations.
  7. Especially when preserving some mystery allows for a role claim later.
  8. That would be a fun mechanic! Would be hard to tell if it's from rocket though. Not a key item.
  9. It's very hard to reassure everyone when it's very easy to figure out what it is if I go into any detail.
  10. I'm assuming they didn't start the game with it. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't know the actual mechanics behind it. *I* don't know the actual mechanics behind it either. I'm hazarding a guess based on how it works mechanically in pokemon.
  11. Because of what it is. I'd rather not reveal the existence of a role unilaterally.
  12. It was a surprise and I didn't make the potential connection between investigations and it until the last hour or so.
  13. I actually assumed you (or cat5 I can't remember) had also had the same visitor, but apparently not... So I want to challenge route 30 today in order to test if I get a benefit for investigating and if the pokemon levels during investigations scale based on how early they're encountered in the game (so 30 would start at level 20 and radio tower would be level 50).
  14. As a follow up to suddenly wanting to investigate, I was visited by someone last night. I wasn't really sure what to do with that information, but I think it's an incentive to investigate.
  15. The more I think about it the more I want to do the investigation.
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