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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Depends if nodlied is already asleep! After this I can maintain a lockdown on both cat5 and Orange. Investigate one every day and smack the other.
  2. No, because it takes up my roleblock to stop him from stealing. ##nominate Orange
  3. I have a feeling that it wasn't expected the only deaths would be among third parties by the end.
  4. Have you taken into account the stability hit from locking up Irish?
  5. The only remaining question for me is if I shoot vert before hammer. I don't want to deal with a civil war.
  6. 2 votes by giving up use of the evidence key. In the beginning it would just even out the votes to make it 3 v 3. Later on it's a big advantage for pluralists, but then you just start shooting them.
  7. Shade, I think we should still be pushing on Irish. It occurred to me pluralists might have started with 4 players to balance out the gun and lack of voters.
  8. I was trying to push for a compromise investigation on Orange while we maintained secrecy on who had the gun or medkit.
  9. If anyone is civil war they need to claim. I’m by any means, and it is bugging me that civil war is not represented on either side. This shouldn’t be held against anyone since we are well beyond attempting to push pet victory objectives. I am also willing to concede an Orange investigation if it will prevent an end of day shooting.
  10. It would be nice to see who our civil war players are. We're past the point where that dimension matters much.
  11. This also explains why he didn't like me saying I was a prince.
  12. I think shade is saying he's a prince to be precise. The claim for pluralism does explain why he's persistently been after cat5, Orange, and I.
  13. We know Shade Was in a masonry with neutral FRAYDO Cannot be targeted by abilities Cannot apparently vote Has an ability to boost stability.
  14. Have we settled on the idea that there are no unknown third parties yet? That we are 3 status quo vs 3 pluralist and 1 royalty?
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