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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Straight as in he's the monarch and it's bad if he dies. I don't know if he's plotting anything else, and frankly I don't care.
  2. The fact that we had a roleblocker + killer is major evidence that Shade is being straight with us. That is a role that exists to hunt, not senselessly slaughter (basically my commissar role from from last game).
  3. I would rather investigate Irish, but no one else seems interested in that plan.
  4. I've already shackled myself to Shade, so I might as well continue with it. ##voteinvestigate Jeod
  5. Hey cat5, are you third party? It has implications for player balance if you are.
  6. Interestingly it seems the action Orange says Irish has (kill) is also the name of KY's nightkill action.
  7. Incidentally so much for the theory that Orange stole cat5's vote.
  8. It's easy to say that when he has no incentive to straight up end you.
  9. He is likely the only one of us left with out a position on status quo vs pluralist. 3 SQ, 3 PL, 1 neutral.
  10. Actually if you could just hand it to shade that would be ideal.
  11. That should be easy enough to test. What is the name of the cane's night action Shade?
  12. We remove the crowbar from consideration, and if Irish shoots a pluralist (probably me) it would be an even trade.
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