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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. ##voteInvestigate Retaliation ##voteNominate Jeod ##Reform Military
  2. Better be investigated now than when someone turns me hostile. In any case, we still don't have a solution to the tie problem. Jeod getting a no contest investigate on me and vault access for a chance at breaking the tie vote seems fair to me.
  3. Doesn't really bother me. There's a reason I haven't offered any pushback. I've been expecting it.
  4. I think I'm going to give in and endorse Snipe's offer, because I think we're just going to end up with another tie.
  5. New plan: Nominate Shade so he can take the typewriter and let his imagination go wild.
  6. I felt like people were questioning if there was an abolishment faction because having them and syndies is a bit too much.
  7. It's flavorful. Anton Bibescu is on every woman's naughty list /s. I'm very much the kind of person who will never pick up on subtext. All this confusion over factions started to annoy me more than Orange entertained me.
  8. One. I can name an item to guarantee I steal it if the play has it, otherwise it's random.
  9. No I was trying to steal the hypothetical walkie talkie. By jebaited I meant sunflower made us think syndies were a named faction.
  10. Yeah. Sunflower jebaited us with that syndicalist report :v. Felt that had gone on long enough.
  11. Honestly I should just say what the item is. It's a typewriter.
  12. It wouldn't surprise me if I had a counterpart. It also feels like items are much less of a focus this game.
  13. Irish took the medkits and i believe killers took any items last game.
  14. The only things in the vault are going to be a radio and sunflower‘s item. I don’t see how either of them will protect you.
  15. The first post is pretty upfront about there being an abolishment faction. There is hiding information about additional parties, and lying about the existing ones in a mechanics focused overview. One is expected and one is the purview of bastard mods.
  16. That was basically my argument for not just straight up trusting Orange.
  17. The vault is entirely separate from the framing mechanic as far as I understand. Currently my thoughts on being investigated are Never investigated > investigated now > investigated later.
  18. I'm a prince and a thief so that could mean anything from my point of view.
  19. Honestly I'm more curious what FRAYDO took from the vault.
  20. You care for all the Kaiser's subjects and wish them all well?
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