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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. What does jail time stop exactly? If it stops voting it might be worth investigating jeod just to stop him attempting to destabilize the empire.
  2. I should be given a key because I can presumably do 50% more stuff with it compared to the rest of you.
  3. I am but a humble leather hat enthusiast who doesn't like seeing good meat go to waste.
  4. Have you considered he might just have been catching some sick waves?
  5. Do we actually have a scum/town dynamic? Everything in the first post makes me think we're split into 3+ seperate factions.
  6. My cap and regneration have always been 3 so if I had to guess it's because we technically didn't regenerate mana day 1. We started with it.
  7. In other words I'm a wizard and I need PP to cast all these spells I don't have.
  8. Normally silent workhorses only give ~10% bonus PP generation, but this one gives 50%!
  9. I'm guessing that the radical options are going to nosedive stability while the soft ones keep it relatively intact (if not increase).
  10. I figure Irish will be better at figuring out how this vault differs from last game. FRAYDO never had the chance to visit the vault last game (because of reasons).
  11. Are we okay with either Irish or FRAYDO going to the vault? I think for Day 1 it's most important that we send someone who wants to explain how the vault works mechanically this time.
  12. I'm interpreting it as Potlitical - Power of player abilities (things like more PP generation) Economic - Stability Military - Civil war preparedness
  13. You're more likely to find stability boosts under economic and political reforms than military imo.
  14. Chaos (scum tracker) and KY (grenade) both started as innocent apparently. FRAYDO could come up as innocent (which he did), but didn't kill. So we've already had a game where bad guys start out as innocent. I'd probably be less cautious of clearing you if you were not the one to suggest it.
  15. I don't know if trust is the best word. It's more I don't really care if Orange is lying and ends up spending a night in the slammer. When I read snipe's initial reaction to Orange's suggestion that we investigate him my initial thoughts were about how well our night 1 investigate town went. So I went back and looked at everyone's starting status and found out that chaos actually started innocent (I assumed suspicious). Orange has already had experience being a bad guy in these crisis games, so I'm more cautious of it being a trap.
  16. Could you rephrase that? I think you're asking why I'm so sure Orange is innocent, but I'm not sure. If that is what you're asking, it's because I can't figure out why you would lie about that and offer yourself up for investigation. Being investigated while suspicious isn't as bad as being lynched, but losing potential items and being night roleblocked is pretty bad (probably lose out on votes as well).
  17. I'm going to endorse this day 1 innocent investigation, but I'm much more uncertain after looking at everyone's starting status in July Crisis mafia. There were 2 innocent players who had the potential to kill people. ##investigate OrangeP47
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