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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. So here is my offer. I'll help you (I'm assuming Orange will help with this) get the cane, if you help us put down the radical voters after we solve this murder business.
  2. The passive I talked about earlier gives a small boost to stability when I do nothing but vote. I assume it's only a couple points, but keeping stability up and attempting to win via reform has been Orange an my go to strategy all game.
  3. I don't necessarily agree with you that cat5 is the more obvious choice, but I do think we can't realistically stop him if he is. If we're wrong, we supposedly have 2 protection abilities to defend you. ##VoteInvestigate Cat5
  4. He *should* be giving it back to me at some point (I expect tonight because it's a free action to pass to me). I'm still a bit incredulous about a serial killer/bus combo. And he would have to be the serial killer, because 5/10 players having their own goals is way too much. I assume you dying is a big deal shade?
  5. Work me through this because I can never understand buses.
  6. I think a rolecop is a much better pairing for a lone killer.
  7. I've been considering that the killer's objective might be to kill shade. It would explain why he needs a bodyguard.
  8. What are we thinking the killer is after? The kills so far don't really make much sense to me.
  9. No, I got that part. I was trying to figure out how Irish could do that.
  10. Are we sure this is a full on bus rather than just redirecting a specific player's actions?
  11. It would be a crime if the typewriter cost PP. Only I would be interested in it.
  12. Depends on your definition of scum honestly. 2 traditional(ish) mafia, a third party that wanted to kill specific nationalities, and a wierd role that wanted to keep two of the scum roles alive. sniped me.
  13. I assume every red action is considered illegal. So the crowbar and Irish's traps of the top of my head.
  14. If KY is the killer, you realize this paints a target on Orange's head right?
  15. I think shade thought I lost that day 2 investigation rng vote.
  16. Of course. Since the first tie, I have tried hammering that we should punish players who vote radical.
  17. I guess it should be pretty obvious even if you haven't seen how I've been voting. Pluralism.
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