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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Have we considered that world tension changes depending on who we investigate? Also Jeod is the only cowboy here.
  2. I wanted to get a reaction so I said "not in a doc with other players like last game" the cheekiest way possible.
  3. The combination of Splatoon 2, Friday Night Magic, and lack of scum buddies has greatly interfered with my ability/desire to keep the game in my attention. I think I'd actually welcome a bit of grilling because I have trouble figuring things out when I'm town aligned.
  4. Then we know your opinions can be safely disregarded!
  5. My random question was also a sign up so you can put me on the list.
  6. I have only one question. Can I be a parrot?
  7. I'd point out town was just as lucky choosing scum with both their day1 lynch targets. Cat5 went after mojo because he thought there was a Mojo, Voe, and Fraydo scum team. Jeod went after Alstar because I don't know.
  8. Finally someone admits that mafia games aren't made to entertain the players, but the game hosts :v.
  9. I'm actually curious how the stuck/kill%/BPKill% work. I've been assuming you roll for stuck, followed by kill% with targets adding modifiers to those rolls. I imagine a negative modifier is bad or engineers would be more durable rather than less.
  10. Like I said read way to much into it. Also we were super unlucky because Mojo didn't manage to kill someone with a -25 bp modifier.
  11. I read too much into your questions on shooting at some point (I think around the first shoot out with Jeod) and your RADAR joke.
  12. I think everyone has something to be salty about this game. Town with scum buildings, scum with random nightkill immune role and refills, Jeod when he reads the scum doc.
  13. That kind of mistake emblematic of what I was talking about when I said it takes forever for me to post. Anyway
  14. So uh. What happens now. Obviously you can lynch us but you can't lynch alstar.
  15. That would have revealed you had a second engineer (I kind of suspected but misread the victory condition). We could have only won if the second engineer was lynched. I thought the allies = soviet victory was at the night -> day transition not the day -> night transition.
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