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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I literally said I was BP D4, but I wasn't sure if you saw that.
  2. I'm holding to my opinion the only good play town made this game was to resist giving into the temptation to shoot me.
  3. Anyway if KY's final answer is no fun 50/50 after everything we've done to try and help each other this game then I think we can call it.
  4. *shrug* iLTS you need to lay off on the neutral roles for awhile.
  5. The hilarious thing is that I've been trying to put iLTS in a position where he'd win.
  6. I'll be sad if KY doesn't go for the YOLO tie considering how he's been treated this game. Even Orange was tunneling him hard and he had a dragonball!
  7. Honestly I kind of want to know what cat5 would do if iLTS unvoted.
  8. It's more useful to him unfired. As it stands though, we can punish that with the right maneuver.
  9. He seems content to just bully us around with the threat, so I'd rather force him to use it. He's not going to shoot you KY so if you want to make this day more interesting I recommend voting cat5 so he's always at the knife's edge.
  10. You sure? I somehow got delayed roleblocked N3 which sounded like Louis's claim.
  11. @Killing_You You into tying the vote if Cat5 shoots iLTS?
  12. You guys keep questioning why there was no kill, but forget that Louis's claim about being super roleblocked...
  13. I think my joking around is interfering with my suicide by vig ploy.
  14. Too good to use syndrome is a scourge.
  15. Bold of you townies to assume I have a play.
  16. FRAYDO had it coming after kaiju mafia.
  17. Anyway I want to point out that anon was a student to FRAYDO’S mentor so they must have started in a doc. What an unlucky situation to have your mafia instructor die N1 XD
  18. I think iLTS is getting his limbs cut off.
  19. Lying would imply I was answering his question falsely. I just didn't say which question I was answering.
  20. It might actually be anon hilariously enough.
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