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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. If Mojo's bad either you and snipe are coordinating to ensure mojo is lynched today (but why would you get involved) or you, FRAYDO, and Orange are all working together to do the same thing. Of course the only way that would work is if the rest of us lost our collective minds.
  2. You know what, that's an extremely good point !
  3. I feel like we got a lot of evidence against mojo super quickly and I can't tell if scum is making big plays or he's just that unlucky.
  4. So to be safe and ensure we lynch someone we actually suspect we need to set our votes now? In that case ##vote mojo
  5. I was mistaken then, we're not playing Control. We're playing Risk of Rain.
  6. Are we sure we're cat5 and not Jesse Faden?
  7. So those things were items that were being handed out?
  8. Of course you've met. He's you aka cat5.
  9. How do you know we're supposed to eliminate them instead of throwing a tea party?
  10. My role was more likely to help town anyway so I'm not too shocked. I mostly wanted to be third party because I wanted an alternate victory condition.
  11. All I know is that Roosevelt is not a weather phenomenon and is breaking the flavor of this game.
  12. Have we considered that he may in fact be Cat5?
  13. He could be foolishly assuming there's a doctor.
  14. It's the concussion that you have to watch out for.
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