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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I’m being a bit self serving because eventually I’ll be the lynch if I can’t get a good case on a rebel.
  2. Honestly you haven’t done much to establish our “suspicion”. Being wrong about my alignment also makes me question what else you’re wrong about.
  3. That statement would have more weight if we weren’t already on your next to lynch list.
  4. Honestly I’m kind of partial to killing off sunflower when she’s weak than having to face her pokemon later.
  5. I don’t think we know enough about the game to discount a third party who fits within the royalist vs rebel paradigm.
  6. Distracted voe is something I would expect if he’s royalist aligned.
  7. I could see Voe being converted to exploit our conclusion that it’s very likely he stayed loyal to punish us if we lynched hom day 1.
  8. Basically I'm wondering if the graphic is a ratio of players or a ratio of armed forces.
  9. Have we considered that no one was converted last night?
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if the player has to agree to it or something.
  11. I also found out that vert won't let you send less than 100 troops. Seems to be for every 100 troops you use you spend 1 provision.
  12. Well while you were all busy plotting amongst yourselves, I aided the royal army.
  13. Buncha nerds wasting gold when it should be hoarded. I'm going to be on a road trip for the next couple of days with only phone access.
  14. The wall is probably the best choice so that rebeci can continue playing the game.
  15. I assumed he'd figure out that as the canon faith of westeros there's probably a plurality of Seven players and choose it. Gamble didn't pay off .
  16. That's part of my point. If rubeci didn't expect you to choose Old Gods there was probably temptation to rebel. A deal wasn't made, but I insinuated that I would behave if he chose the seven as the offical faith.
  17. Janitorial mafia. I'm saying you're making bad cases against me because I make bad cases against other people . Anyway, you forget that I consented to Jeod's ascension, under the belief that he would choose the right faith (meanie!).
  18. Is all this about the case I made that got Louis lynched?
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