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    SimCity 3000
  • Interests
    Command & Conquer, War Thunder, Minecraft Beta 1.5_01, you're mom

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  1. I am the real and genuine cncthang and I will not tolerate this. Just kidding, though it is kinda weird since I've been using this name since like 2013. Anyone know why this is happening or what I can do?
  2. I am a terrific person. I once actually destroyed an ENTIRE BOAT with a shotgun! It was just sitting there. So I took out my slug thrower, and threw some slugs. The end.

  3. Hello friends

    1. NoSoldier


      I'm not your friend, buddy! *canadian-southpark.gif*

    2. Isaac The Madd

      Isaac The Madd

      I'm not your buddy, pal.

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