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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I’m curious why you keep trying to misdirect my accusation.
  2. Oh I thought about it. That’s why I’m still suggesting you and shade for the scumteam. Aside from that, brigitte’s Behavior doesn’t appear scummy to me.
  3. You mean D3? Perhaps you need to spend some time re-evaluating your stance then.
  4. Indeed. But we’ll have to get to that after the current investigation.
  5. Shade/Cat5 scumteam. I’ve never thought Retal was scum.
  6. @Brigitte, you need to explain the contradiction put forward by Category 5 regarding your scouting ability. How did you see his Sandslash when he was training it to evolve the same night you were scouting it? You said yourself that your scout action doesn't account for same-night training.
  7. Your arguments are slipping again. Perhaps you should wait for Cat5 to come back and guide you.
  8. Easy. How do you expect me to have a plan when I have no idea what Cat5 and Brigitte are bringing to the fight? The only thing I had to go on was your Heracross thanks to Brigitte, and that was just a guess.
  9. Interesting that you bring that up, because there was no plan. I'm town.
  10. Right, so I outright stated that I would be using Moltres, and of course Sandslash's earthquake doesn't affect Moltres. Noticed the only thing Cat5 did to be was sand attack, too. I guess all the other moves were Ground moves, eh? As for the night action, how like you to consider Rocket actions before town actions, like figuring out ways to prove your own claimed ability.
  11. So you used one revive, big deal. In PM1, that was a Rocket-only/very rare item to come by, and if you had a solid water wtype, Houndoom wouldn't be a problem for you at all. Using a revive item to heal a town player's Pokemon is something that I would consider doing if I were scum. I'm not convinced.
  12. This is also something that I would expect Category 5 to bring up. The mere idea that he's deadlocked on a Jeod/Brigitte scumteam goes against his character.
  13. That isn't the point. The point is that you haven't even been trying to find other ways to prove your claim. Did you honestly think that healing Retaliation's Houndoom would make everyone insta-townread you?
  14. Instead, you've only claimed to have a one-time revive ability and a repeated-use healing ability which you've only used on one player that we know of. And you expect us to take that claim at face value. How arrogant.
  15. I mean, one obvious town train of thought would be to offer to heal the accuser's Pokemon that gets injured in an investigation, however you haven't considered this route. If you were really a doctor, then this should have been one of the first few ideas to cross your mind.
  16. I'm not having to convince anyone. You've still yet to prove, with logical reasoning, that you're town. It's been seven game days and your actual pro-town contribution is negligible.
  17. I don't mind that, actually, though I still don't buy that Shade's a true doctor role. Scum has to take down all of town, so there's no reason they wouldn't have a revive ability to help them with the effort. ##Trainer Retaliation ##Rocket Goldenrod Gym
  18. What is the point of this item passing business and your questions? I get the feeling you're attempting to set up a way to "clear" yourself regarding your "ability".
  19. She was there. She posted. She decided to autobattle rather than take control. Who's grasping at straws?
  20. Yeah, the lack of communication between Cat5 and Brigitte during that fight pushes me more toward the Shade/Cat5 scumteam, and this is after I noticed that Shade appeared to have a stronger wordplay after Cat5 had returned from work to participate.
  21. Good to see you two are buddy-buddy as ever. I haven’t forgotten about your two scumslips yesterday shade. ##Trainer Jeod ##Rocket Radio Tower
  22. How do you know we have more than one again?
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