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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. *Quiet Let's hear your theory. Out with it.
  2. Good idea, how about we start with yours since you've been solely worried about yourself up to this point.
  3. I already explained my interpretation of Meowth's appearance. Won't be repeating myself.
  4. I don't see why Meowth would defect from Team Rocket to join Team Rocket. KY is 99.9% town. .1% offchance that Orange completely fudged the communication protocols for GMing (the protocols that make everything make sense).
  5. Again referring to town in the third person. Talk about an overreaction too.
  6. With a one-time use ability that you've used up? Congratulations on making yourself expendable and afraid of losing when you still have 3 lives.
  7. I think any town player in your position should be trying to defend themselves rather than attack another. As long as I battle you, you're going to be destroyed. So far you haven't given any worthy arguments for why you shouldn't be battling. On the other hand, I've given an argument for why KY shouldn't be--and he has a Lv50 grass type, an easy prey for my Moltres. I'd be begging him to participate in a battle so I could help my partner work around that problem.
  8. You still haven't explained why your character ability is two separate actions. You even said so yourself that Retaliation should have had two things done to him by you. You also made up that doctor claim on the fly, probably used two items on Retaliation's Houndoom, and rolled with it. Despite there already being a doctor role.
  9. Says the scum who's been trying to nightkill me probably.
  10. Anyway, we currently have Jeod/Cat5 going up against Shade/Brigitte. This is, fmpov, myself and three possible scum. I vote we keep the current setup.
  12. He offered no comment on Shade's claim discrepancy either. Hopefully you can make time to play this game more, Category 5.
  13. I threw out one theory and one solid lead on shade.
  14. I suggest giving Cat5 a chance to respond before spouting out so many hypotheticals. He can easily blend right in if given the right chance.
  15. If the egg-trade mechanic does indeed work as I theorize, then I can see Brigitte being a cop-esque role in order to let town discover scum.
  16. I'm pretty set in stone on Shade being scum, but given how hard Brigitte has been gunning for Shade, I have to choose Cat5 for scum partner between the two.
  17. @TheIrishman So you still think I'm scum?
  18. (Sidenote: Got Ace Attorney Investigations 2 patched with the English translation and running smoothly, the last Ace Attorney game I need to play...gonna be a good next few days)
  19. Unfortunately he's working and by the time he gets off, most of us have gone to bed.
  20. @Killing_You, you've yet to show your character and ability. Is the MooMoo Milk your doing?
  21. Did you get the box as a result of your victory over Retaliation?
  22. Irish is correct in that it poses a balance problem, however we can assume that if the Pokemon act as they do in the actual games once traded, then they receive double the xp--thus speeding up training.
  23. I assume that if Cat5 is picked for trainer, Brigette will be picked for rocket since she's next in line?
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