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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Since we’re on the subject, who wants to be my partner tomorrow? I would like to battle.
  2. He’d been training a scythed and had to switch his primary after that reveal?
  3. I don't know if I buy that. I got rid of my Voltorb yet I still remember having it. Switching out a Pokemon on your roster doesn't seem like something you'd forget.
  4. Has or had. You know as well as I do that when a Pokemon Egg hatches we're asked to either discard it or replace a Pokemon on our team with it.
  5. It doesn't really matter who we send in. If we send in a Rocket, they have to win or lose one of their Pokemon. If we send in a Trainer, same deal. The investigation info is publicized. What isn't publicized is what benefits a player receives after winning one. I assume it's just an item and extra coin, same as a player v. player battle. @TheIrishman?
  6. Obviously I didn't want to outright reveal the existence of a training bonus giver, and I also wasn't sure if it was given by a player or by RNG. I haven't been training my Jolteon past Lv30, my trainings have been reserved for others on my roster. I'm up for the task as well; Jolteon is still my primary however, so if you've got a Lv40 then I support it.
  7. It is indeed the latter. I trained my Eevee on Night 1 and by Day 2 it was a Lv30 Jolteon with Thunder. However, since Cat5 has only used that ability once that we know of, it poses questions since it could still be a Rocket ability.
  8. A Scyther, huh? Cat5 had one last PokeMafia, but his ability seems pro-town...hmm. I'll have to ask further questions at daystart tomorrow.
  9. I'm gonna file a complaint with Camper Todd for not using Hydro Pump this time.
  10. That moment you forget solar beam has to charge
  11. So HP doesn't reset...this should be a sure win.
  12. So then why did Cat5 nominate me? Still waiting for an answer.
  13. While we still have time left until hammer, can we get a calculation breakdown of a Lv30 Jolteon w/ Thunder against a Lv30 Psyduck, vs. a Lv40 Sunflora against a Lv30 Psyduck?
  14. KY has a grass type and I have an electric type, I think KY makes more sense to send in. Why'd you choose me?
  15. Sunflower was apparently having some IRL conflicts that kept her from being active, which is why KY replaced her. Give him some time to catch up.
  16. It's odd that we haven't had any double battles yet.
  17. Grats, did Cat5 get you started? I don't think the name of the romhack was mentioned, but I did send it to Cat5 since he said he'd never played Gen2.
  18. I did get that bonus, by the way. Although you probably knew that when you saw that I asked Retaliation about training.
  19. See: his opening post for this game, see: my interaction with him. I was given the egg on Night 1 and it hatched on Day 3. I didn’t have it from the start, so Shade’s claim that it’s the reason I rushed to Route 34 is moot. Shade’s continued obsession with making me the bad guy is like a shoddy detective who spends the entire show going after the protagonist instead of finding the true culprit.
  20. I actually thought Cat5 had been softclaiming Daycare Man.
  21. Wait, is Shade really the Fisherman trainer class? That would be hilarious.
  22. If they do, then they out themselves as Rocket which is the equivalent if not better of an investigation. Plus, investigations are in the battle phase, so I'd expect the results to be public.
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