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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. You should be able to figure out why I nominated TheIrishMan for Route34 now.
  2. Rocket Doc Gen1 Yep, it cost 1 pokecoin to scout 3 of another's roster, and it was available to both scum. However, due to the nature of pokecoins, scum decided to only have one scout while the other performed other actions. Event Log Gen1 See for yourself.
  3. It was a Rocket action that cost 1 Pokecoin iirc.
  4. Or perhaps it was Day 3. At some point I mentioned that I had an idea of who Shade's partner might be but didn't want to say it yet.
  5. Glad you agree with the Irish/Shade scumteam, Brigette, because that's been by teamread since Day 2. Shade I've already put out an argument for, and Irish due to his stronger Wobuffet and yet not pushing to contribute to pro-town decisions.
  6. I'll let @Category 5 Hurricane explain that side of things so he can divulge what he wants.
  7. In other words, we ended up using a lower chance of success on an investigation because you couldn't pay enough attention to things or make the connections you should have been able to make. Granted, that means you're probably not Rocket, however understand that you've caused a bit of a setback.
  8. Well, if it was an egg, you should have had a much more clear reaction to it considering my interactions with Category 5 on Day 2 and Day 3. The soft communication was pretty easy to see for anyone who understood the references.
  9. Just more details about your “item” and how it guided your thought process yesterday.
  10. If anyone actually visited Retaliation, I suggest visiting a more open player. Try me, I'll probably be more useful.
  11. Now I don't care what alignment you are. If you fail I will end you.
  12. ...you didn't mention you had a type disadvantage.
  13. Oh I very much am. I want you to succeed. However, short of telling us the move you intend to use and how many turns it should take you to win, you've given us virtually no information. Therefore, I feel obligated to interpret a failure and a non-disclosure as a Rocket ruse and won't hesitate to battle you.
  14. 1. If you fail, and 2. if you don't cooperate with full disclosure questions after you fail. If you feel that confident in your ability to win, then there's nothing to worry about.
  15. I'm prepared to battle you tomorrow if need be. Do you still feel up for this?
  16. You do realize that if you fail I'll be asking you for full disclosure.
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