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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I'm getting flashbacks of Shade's Rhydon/Horn Drill attempt...not a good thing to remember at the moment.
  2. Why does your avatar look like Teddiursa is getting boob action and smirking at the husband/boyfriend?
  3. I thought it was fair to assume he'd decided against it. For one, he'd have announced if he was implementing it, and two, Retaliation would also have 5 extra levels.
  4. It's not important anymore. Was a part of a suggested balancing mechanic a few pages back, but ultimately wasn't used.
  5. Correct. Thunder is the only electric type move it has currently.
  6. Orange didn't make any adjustments to the system. I didn't get an additional 5 levels.
  7. And it has Thunder, which has a lower accuracy than Thunderbolt.
  8. So you believe your item has to do with travel... Since we have about an equal chance of victory, I'm okay with you going. But I'll leave it to the other active players to decide. We're both down one Pokemon.
  9. Only a few hours left. @Retaliation, in the interest of preventing scum from hampering with our goals today, what do you think about a more detailed explanation of whatever you're proposing? I'm currently debating whether to nominate myself or you--it seems a 50/50 chance at the moment.
  10. Yeah, if @Sunflower doesn't make any helpful comments on the discussion today I'll most likely change my trainer vote.
  11. If my PokeMafia game was any indicator, revives are very hard to come by this early in the game.
  12. Yeah, was wondering why you're not on Steam so often the past few days. I got past Ilex without it crashing, so my quest continues.
  13. It occurs to me that this hack probably has the previously locked 'Return of Giovanni' event in it. Can't wait to see that!
  14. See the documentation lied, Leafeon learns Synthesis at Level 9.
  15. Hey @OrangeP47, which Eeveelution did you go with in your SacredGold? I went with Leafeon.
  16. Not a Linux user myself, but if anything Linux has shown me that it's extremely helpful in discovering programming code that can still be optimized for compatibility.
  17. Or maybe the term is "beating a dead horse".
  18. There's probably a term for the logical fallacy you've just written, but my brain is fried.
  19. Let me guess. You're going to assume that my actions were a grand scheme to get everyone to train electric types so my fighting type roster can sweep.
  20. Of course I did. Finding out what dangers were on R34 decided which Pokemon would be trained.
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