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Forum Game Masters
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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Keep in mind the votes and interactions. It appears a happy coincidence for now, but the votes could easily be pre-planned.
  2. At the moment we have a tie. I'd prefer not to battle (rather investigate), but I will if I must.
  3. Here's a request for you: I'd like to see you host a The World Ends With You themed game sometime this year. Also, the Kyle persona was so last game.
  4. The day doesn't truly start until @Category 5 Hurricane provides a thorough analysis of investigations vs. battles.
  5. Were you recommended to this place by anyone? I'm curious how you found us.
  6. I'll also note that investigations are not allowed during double battles. Since we don't know the frequency of that, we should conduct the initial investigation asap.
  7. Nobody said you have to investigate today. I, on the other hand, would like to.
  8. It's unknown odds really, so I consider 50/50 as a placeholder. A battle on the other hand is a 100% chance of a player losing a Pokemon, with a slimmer chance said player is a Rocket.
  9. I would prefer to see how investigations work and have a 50/50 chance of losing a Pokemon than start a battle right off the bat with zero leads.
  10. I have one of my weaker Pokemon as my primary right now. I'm all for seeing what investigation is like before we lose any Pokemon to battles. It would appear to me that Rockets might dislike the idea.
  11. @OrangeP47 here's an Excel CvC with a macro to count votes for you, you can easy copy/paste it. Example: PokeMafia 2 CvC.xlsm
  12. You have no idea how much of a nerd I am for Gen2. SoulSilver was and is my jam.
  13. ##nominate Jeod ##investigate Route 34 Let's have a look.
  14. Hey, welcome to the community! @FRAYDO is probably the best man to talk to about getting more involved, but for starters we have an active Discord channel. The game servers will appear empty a lot, but we host game nights on weekends where they can reach up to 20-30 players in a server. You will want to download the W3D Hub Launcher, for sure. See you ingame!
  15. Dunno how I missed him on the list. Who else can we tag...
  16. @Retaliation has been eyeing this thread. How's school coming along, champ? Got time to join this one with your army of Psyducks?
  17. Alternate universes collide, old timer. It's more like the discord and game server are well-behaved 99% of the time. Go stir up some drama @FRAYDO!
  18. *I don't do anything to do with moderation duties. I do other things that involve poking staff with a stick multiple times so I slowly acquire the resources I need to continue my experiments.
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