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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Well, as a GSM I only have so much to work with. I imagine with your rank, you can see a lot more internal things than I can.
  2. Agreed. The rumor mill regarding "professionalism", as Testament pointed out, has to do with some of the dev team using these projects as their portfolio. Rumors, of course, but with a bit of truth to them I think. I don't claim to know the story behind the mill, but if I wanted to use these mod projects in my portfolio and be noticed by a larger dev company like EA, project management would take precedence over community management. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me why things appear to be the opposite. A well-managed project brings in a large community, but only when the project is well-managed. Thus, community management comes after. Seems more logical.
  3. So I'm not allowed to comment in a thread now because I'm not PR? What hypocrisy. Hey @LiamGriever, I'm guessing by your OP that your concerns stem from another W3D mod being announced recently. I have to say, I'm concerned with the amount of projects going on at the same time. I was hoping to bring it up during the staff meeting, but the date for that got moved to a weekday instead of a weekend so I can't attend. That's not to say that Ground Zero or IA should have been cast aside, but it's killing the mojo with too many splintering off to focus on different projects rather than pool resources to push one out the door in a playable state.
  4. Hrm. Looked more like a circlejerk to me, with maybe 8-10 regulars committed to that channel who were rarely seen in any W3D games. Funnily enough, the 'likes' on particular posts in this thread promote that perspective. As I said, separate the grille drama from the Renegade community discussion and I'll participate in it.
  5. If the complaint comes down to the Discord channel removal, then there's no purpose. If you want an ear, separate that drama from the "Renegade community" aspect. I'll gladly participate when that happens.
  6. First, none of those projects have ended. Second--and I don't know your history--I don't see any similar threads up on other community forums. Given the lack of outreach in relation to your OP, what's the point of it?
  7. I can run a mini for this month. Is anyone interested in another round of Cop Mafia (4 cops, 1 scum)?
  8. Yup, that's it. I went to my Documents folder and created two folders for each game, ia and tsr, and the User Data Folder links now work for both of them. Anyway, @ganein14, try going to the installation directory I wrote above and run the game as admin from there.
  9. C:\Program Files (x86)W3D Hub\games\ia-release\game.exe I think you may be clicking on the User Data Folder link within the launcher which, yes, does throw a "Directory does not exist" error. That;s something @dblaney1 or whoever is in charge of the launcher will have to look at. Maybe @Pushwall. Coincidentally, the same issue occurs for TSR. The APB link leads to the Documents folder instead of the Installation folder.
  10. I just updated. Hard to help without anything more specific like what files are failing.
  11. Here's the source code if anyone has Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and wants to have a looksie. PokeMafia Damage Calculator - Gen II.mfa
  12. Here's the updated Gen II calculator. The current working formula is: Damage = ((((((2*Level)/5) +2) * Power * Atk/Def) / 50) + 2) * Modifier * Item Boost Modifier = (Crit(1,2) * STAB * Weather) * Type Run some experiments with it if you want to be sure everything is being done correctly. Note that I have no clue how Orange intends to calculate stat changes in regards to level, so I did not do this automatically. PokeMafia Damage Calculator - Gen II.exe
  13. Fair enough. Since Rivals initially existed to fuel town vs town fights rather than town always voting up rockets to battle each day, I'm looking forward to what you have in mind to curb the possibility more effectively.
  14. Any word of a reworked Rivals system or double battles?
  15. I would like to see a wider variety of naval units--make the game AR themed instead of APB.
  16. Agreed, at face value the game appears a dud, but further reading shows the complexity and variety of the setup. I, too, would sign up for an additional Naval theme.
  17. Ah. I’ll see if I can get it done on Saturday. I’ll be busy after that with festivities.
  18. But if you’re using an alternative calculator what’s the point? Ill probably just fully update mine because I’ll have to anyway for Gen 3.
  19. In that case, you can just add (X * .10) to the damage result.
  20. I gave the option to learn moves on evolution, good to see that’s returning. Lmk if you need anything added or changed to the calculator.
  21. Are base moves randomly assigned like Gen 1? And does the Level system affect learnable moves?
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