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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Either if Destroyer is truly the only unit with the sonar ping or if town has a cop role with it, for example, or to see if Destroyer can use it on more than one target in a single night.
  2. So then if we suppose voe was moved by sub pen, then voe should be cleared since nobody is speaking out about the action failing.
  3. I think players would be told they were called to the sub pen though.
  4. Yes, please read the thread before posting. I agree with KY’s assessment of Category 5.
  5. If a chromosphere exists there may have been a side effect?
  6. But you shot for orange when the current debate was around me.
  7. You’re just salty that APB III ended in a draw due to last minute votes.
  8. I’m just following my plan. ##vote JackoDerp Your switch to TheIrishMan yesterday hasnt sat well with me at all, and now you’re reluctant to confirm a player when you were all for it yesterday. “Baiting a shot”, please. Even if it were just baiting, baiting in itself isn’t scummy. I don’t like you.
  9. Oh, fine. But someone has to volunteer to shoot you. Hey @JackoDerp, how about you do the honors?
  10. You think I’ll requesy the mystery unit after the MAD Tank fiasco?
  11. I’m submerged so firing will show water until tomorrow.
  12. No. There’s no reason for a scum scouting action to notify globally.
  13. There’s our third map action, I suppose. They likely know where I am based on my coordinates: A12-B12.
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