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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Came in here hoping to shoot, was sorely disappointed.
  2. You still need to send me your list of things you want added to the calculator by the way.
  3. Probably still time to fit in @Retaliation and/or @Sunflower
  4. Santa outsources his job to elves in China and so I cannot possibly support him.
  5. Bummer! Wish I had a spare hard drive, I’d ship it right over.
  6. Hey cooldude7, I recognize you! I'm afraid I don't know enough about the "conflict" to comment on those particular pieces, but I did want to drop in and say thanks for trying one of our games out! I don't monitor the server chat myself, though I imagine it can get a bit hairy depending on the mood. Feedback on the game is always appreciated here however, and the best way to bring things like balance to our attention is through forum posts like this one. It keeps a better record for us to look back to than server chat. If you're not a part of it yet, our Discord server (which has an IA channel) is generally more mature than server-chat where players are merely concerned about ripping eachother's guts out. Just...stay away from #bbq-grille unless you have a strong stomach and knack for shitposting. https://discord.gg/jHT76gV
  7. You can enable IPv4 and see if it works, or if it's already enabled then IPv6 is not the issue.
  8. Is it battleship with teams or is there something to make this actual mafia as well (beyond nightkills)?
  9. Yup, he said he was going to have more naval theme to celebrate the new APB additions.
  10. Maybe request a town role if you want to play town?
  11. On my end of things, I consider us even for Steins;Gate Mafia and his last game's shenanigans with Verti60's over-extended trolling. All things considered, Irish really did play as town as possible which in the end hurt him. Even if he was confident in who scum were, he could have remained silent and manipulated the game a bit until his win was assured. We spoke a bit about how the videotapes wouldn't get to make a bunch of kills in a short timespan, so he knew the difficulty he'd face.
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