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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I'll be absent from hammer tomorrow. so @Sunflower will be taking care of things. Be nice.
  2. By the way, here's a CvC. Let me know if I missed anything. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan ChopBam Shade939 Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO
  3. Shade939 gives Nodlied a Tribble! Nodlied puts it in his inventory for safekeeping.
  4. By mayoral decree, I am now Sultan of the West.
  5. Wow, that's a hint if I ever saw one! @OrangeP47
  6. @Sunflower is currently writing up the daypost, but in short nobody died. Proceed with the entertainment!
  7. By the way, you do all get 1 additional coin for the phase.
  8. Yup gonna call that hammertime! PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Nodlied iLiketoSnipe Shade939 TheIrishMan Killing_You TheIrishMan ChopBam TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Shade939 TheIrishMan Killing_You TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied TheIrishMan FRAYDO Shade939 FRAYDO You all gather around TheIrishMan and try to lynch them, but it just doesn't work! The noose is tight, everything else is in check, but he just won't die! The only thing you can do for now it seems is to let him free...for now. NIGHT TWO Day begins in 24 hours.
  9. With 5 minutes left on the clock.. TheIrishMan is up for the lynch and OrangeP47 is up for the vault! I don't think this will change in the next few minutes, but who knows. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Nodlied iLiketoSnipe Shade939 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan ChopBam TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Shade939 TheIrishMan Killing_You TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied TheIrishMan FRAYDO Shade939 FRAYDO
  10. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe TheIrishMan TheIrishMan Nodlied iLiketoSnipe Shade939 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan ChopBam TheIrishMan OrangeP47 Shade939 TheIrishMan Killing_You TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied TheIrishMan FRAYDO Shade939 FRAYDO
  11. I step away for five minutes... PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan Nodlied iLiketoSnipe Shade939 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan ChopBam Nodlied OrangeP47 Shade939 Killing_You Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied TheIrishMan FRAYDO Shade939 FRAYDO
  12. Oh hey, hammer is today isn't it? Hammer in 4 hours.
  13. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan Nodlied Shade939 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan ChopBam OrangeP47 Shade939 Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied TheIrishMan FRAYDO
  14. Correct me if this is missing votes and/or nominations. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan ChopBam Shade939 Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO
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