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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. GM ANNOUNCEMENT: The current day phase ends on Thursday, which is Thanksgiving Day. If players want to extend the day phase (effectively putting the game on pause for a day), they may cast a vote via ##extension. If the extension vote gains a majority, the day phase will end on Friday.
  2. Mafia edit: As a result, you are correct in your assumptions that items will not save these poor souls unless the items have passive effects, because items can only be used at night unless otherwise stated.
  3. I had some faulty math while I was on mobile, so I'll confirm here: FRAYDO received his tape at the start of Day 3 from Shade939's pass action. Since then, he has kept it for one day--Day 3--and today is the second day--Day 4. Players do only have one chance to pass the tape, which is why they're explicitly told that passing removes the curse and destroying retains it. FRAYDO and Killing_You will both die at the end of this day phase.
  4. An Angel Painting, Chocolate Cake, and a Tribble were sent to the vault.
  5. TheIrishMan pulls a gun out of his cake and shoots iLiketoSnipe! He crumples to the ground, dead! Mr. Rogers was Mafia!
  6. Standby. Gotta grab google sheets app to resolve.
  7. Nope. You need glasses. “More than two”.
  8. @Sunflower please take care of the cvc. There are O’Driscolls about!
  9. Shade gifts Category 5 Hurricane a Tribble! He stuffs it in his inventory for safekeeping.
  10. All PMs have been sent. I told @Sunflower she could start the day at any time, so it's her discretion. I expect to be away for most of the night.
  11. PMs will be going out in an hour. @Sunflower will be starting the day off on time.
  12. Hammer in one hour! PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 Killing_You iLiketoSnipe TheIrishMan Killing_You Nodlied TheIrishMan Shade939 TheIrishMan Killing_You TheIrishMan ChopBam NoLynch OrangeP47 Shade939 NoLynch Shade939 Killing_You TheIrishMan Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO TheIrishMan Killing_You
  13. Killing_You launches a fully-powered mankansappo at TheIrishMan! This attack is so powerful it's unstoppable! TheIrishMan is ripped to shreds! ...and subsequently puts himself back together. No death by lynch, no death by unstoppable attack...how will he die!?
  14. Having the thread open doesn't necessarily mean we're watching it at all times, you know. Gimme a sec.
  15. There actually is an anime adaptation though @FRAYDO But this isn't from said adaptation. (Or maybe what I'm thinking is an adaptation is a short...?)
  16. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe TheIrishMan Killing_You Nodlied iLikeToSnipe TheIrishMan Killing_You TheIrishMan ChopBam Shade939 NoLynch Shade939 Killing_You TheIrishMan Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO TheIrishMan Killing_You
  17. Work ended up being a half day, but Sunflower is still going to handle the end of day to gain experience. I'll step in if needed, and still track the CvC.
  18. Remember that direct quoting from PMs or docs is not allowed.
  19. I’ve enabled previously closed docs as “view only” due to time constraints players have.
  20. @Liten mafia is really only 10% graduate-level theses and 90% shitposting. You should join one.
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