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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Because those are where the shots came from. Hits on this case I take to mean actions that alter the map. So we have a hit, a detect, and a missing change. Perhaps a player moved.
  2. Allies by sending a spy into a sub pen. It’s obviously modified for the game, I’d wager a scouting action. It’s only a possibility.
  3. The option not to NK? I was hit by a sonar ping last night.
  4. Ouch, sorry dude. Hmu on steam for venting if you need an ear.
  5. Well, there’s more to my test than just proving my role, but seeing as you’re scummier than me at the moment, I don’t mind.
  6. So is anyone who hasn’t said anything. ##vote Killing_You
  7. Suffice to say anyone firing near O15 is suspect. That said, I still don’t trust orange enough to follow his lead on voe.
  8. Then again, what’s written in the PM is also written on Page 1.
  9. I think you didn’t go back and check your PM like you would do if you were a sub. probably because you can’t.
  10. You still haven’t removed your vote from an unmistakable town. I think it’s about time to vote and afk.
  11. Very unlikely. The reference is sitting in the description of the only night action the attack sub has.
  12. It’s not exactly easy to gloss over and miss a literal reference to the NK.
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