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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. That remains to be seen, however given the track record, I stand ready to pass swift judgement should it be true.
  2. When I look at A Path Beyond (the map), I see a high-stakes, all-tech available battle showing off the namesake. Here's a picture. The map is just made for game nights with high playercount. You've got two bridges for tankwars and one land route with maybe a mine passage to promote sneaky tactics. The gem fields are protected behind the bases to keep the cash flowing and allow high tech during all times of the game. The map's also cut down to size to keep the battles raging. Alternatively we could swap the gem and base locations to create a battle over wealth.
  3. Cat5 basically led the charge on jack that caused him to slip up. I’m not voting him. ##vote shade939
  4. In fact, now that you mention it, I wonder if you’ve been relying on that deflection a little too much.
  5. He was a sinking ship anyway and that could very well have been a deflection meant to benefit you.
  6. If we’re not convinced on Alstar then I am open to other options.
  7. Chopbam claimed sub pen and FRAYDO claimed spy plane.
  8. It’s easy for scum to claim I’m “confirmed” as well. But I feel if Cat5 was the sub pen he’d be paying more attention to this game and play a more active role.
  9. Cat5 had a direct hand in pushing jack. Bussing isn’t viable that early in the game.
  10. Know who hasn’t contributed a thing? Alastar. ##vote Alstar
  11. So there’s no notification for it, but there was no NK either.
  12. Are you admitting to scum? If so you coasted too much and didn’t apply enough pressure on the Voe/Orange angle especially given the chronosphere claim is tough to believe. It’s not that difficult to build the argument that scumboats can move around.
  13. However I’m currently surfaced so I’d appreciate not being shot today.
  14. I’ve offered to confirm myself since gamestart. It’s not my fault nobody obliged.
  15. I'm sure you understand, FRAYDO, which two coordinates are optimal choices on that list.
  16. We have one scum out of the game. KY's made a solid reasonable case on ChopBam. ChopBam's response to this is a cryptic "lol lynching me is bad" rebuttal with no follow-up explanation. With the spy plane claimed, if he were the sub pen he would probably have claimed as such in the same post. Instead he's buying time.
  17. Then we have confirmation of a missile sub and the spy plane. Nobody has claimed M12 so far though, so I highly suspect it's a scumboat.
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