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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Here's a FYI post for you all, since there are a lot more items in this game with various abilities than previous games. Also to help @Sunflower resolve things if needed.
  2. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 NoLynch OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied OrangeP47 TheIrishMan NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam NoLynch FRAYDO Shade939 NoLynch OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe FRAYDO NoLynch is in the lead for votes. FRAYDO and OrangeP47 are tied for the vault nomination. Hammer in ~7 hours 45 mins
  3. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 NoLynch OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane Nodlied TheIrishMan NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam NoLynch FRAYDO Shade939 NoLynch OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe FRAYDO
  4. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 NoLynch OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam NoLynch FRAYDO Shade939 NoLynch OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe FRAYDO
  5. Remember there are no early hammers. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 NoLynch FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam NoLynch Shade939 NoLynch OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied
  6. Forgot about this for a while: @Nodlied, FRAYDO cannot be voted because he's simply too cool! PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 NoLynch OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied
  7. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied FRAYDO TheIrishMan NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 NoLynch OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied
  8. Current theory is that Stan Lee saw this trailer and the moment he heard Deadpool voicing Pikachu he had a heart attack.
  9. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied FRAYDO TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 OrangeP47 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied
  10. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied FRAYDO TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 Shade939 Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO Nodlied
  11. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 FRAYDO iLiketoSnipe Nodlied FRAYDO TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 Killing_You Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO Nodlied
  12. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe Nodlied FRAYDO TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 Killing_You Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO
  13. PLAYER CURRENT VOTE CURRENT NOMINATION OrangeP47 iLiketoSnipe Nodlied TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam Shade939 Killing_You Killing_You Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO
  14. Watch as I include myself in the CvC.
  15. That's too far even for me, baby.
  16. Made a correction to the hammertimes due to daylight savings. For you easterners, hammer is at 11:00PM GMT.
  17. Game will start in approx. 8 hours and 30 minutes.
  18. All roles are in and final balancing tweaks are being made. If there are no additional signups before tomorrow morning, then the game can begin tomorrow at hammertime.
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