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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. You should let him know it’s been restored.
  2. It’s the equivalent of Edgeworth having to listen to ten Gumshoes alone in his office.
  3. It gets worse. He’d have to deal with shade in a google doc just to revive him.
  4. No wait, KY would have expired due to the 48h rule. He would need to bring back Shade.
  5. Well if you blocked iLTS, you have a guaranteed nightkill, but Category 5 brings back KY (I assume), and we're back to where we started. If you blocked Category 5, it's the same deal unless you manage to WIFOM iLTS and get a nightkill. If you chose this route, then Irish must have asked iLTS for a night action as well. I don't believe either of you have NK protection, so whatever I do shouldn't matter.
  6. But if he did that, you would have to either roleblock iLTS to prevent him from protecting, or roleblock Category 5 to prevent him from bringing someone back while also hoping you don't nightkill the same player iLTS chose to protect. You can't kill either me or iLTS with the notebook, either. I'm not entirely sure how you would win. Hmm....
  7. Assuming ChopBam dies to the notebook... CVC: Jeod voted OrangeP47 OrangeP47 voted Jeod iLikeToSnipe voted OrangeP47 Penalty has voted Jeod Penalty has voted Jeod Irish must have taken one of my penalty votes off and made it a tie. Otherwise you'd succeed in lynching me.
  8. Verti60 you really should stop being a hypocrite and breaking the rules by deadposting. The game hasn't ended.
  9. Yeah verti turned this game into a sham. Well done. Grats on being a true dick.
  10. I actually made my third night post because I was sure I would be able to get the vengeful ability.
  11. Breaking the metagame doesn’t count. I didn’t whine like a baby like you did.
  12. Vertigo is also the reason I have two penalty votes instead of just one. His saltiness caused irish to want to be “fair”.
  13. I am fine with speeding up the phases if there’s unanimous votes (minus the player being voted).
  14. Sure. It simply says I have no true identity.
  15. Nameless. I was hoping orange would float so I could respond with a Near gif, but sadly it wasn’t to be.
  16. Not one of his. You should know who else I visited, tracker.
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