My objective as town is to eliminate all hostile roles. You should be hocdtile by definition since you hand out and encourage killing. If you’re neutral that’s a GM issue.
Let’s see...we have a nk-proof chopbam, a vengeful doctor, an ability copier, a resurrector, and a vanilla. Against two scum, after your demise, I like those odds.
Dude you said that you and sunflower were chatting in PM and Irish said that you were being harsh when I said I felt bad for her. That’s it. I asked orange to check on her sometime tonight over it, because she’s a friend and has had anxiety with mafia games before.
Drop the crap. If you resign, stop posting and let Irish resolve.
It’s both. While true you’ve riled my emotions a bit, it’s also entirely logical and optimal to use a vulnerability on a death-note passing god while we can instead of killing the originator of said vulnerability.
You could resign.
Chopbam I see the GM has stayed that third party is vulnerable for one day only, I take advantage of it. I know we have the numbers bc Cat5 has one more revive.
Verti doesn’t want to be punched while his vulnerability is clearly temporary. I think this is a chance to nullify the death notes. So far they’re the only source of nightkills.