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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. He also said he didn't plan on bringing Nodlied back, since a "neutral hider" doesn't help town.
  2. His limit is 2, and it's a RNG'd success rate from what he told me.
  3. She can be roleblocked by Orange, and without you the death notes may stop working. Bye. @Sunflower, let's call a truce and rid us of this demon.
  4. I'm also working tomorrow night, so will miss hammer.
  5. I'm game for an early hammer too to get the drama queen out of the picture. He's already claimed third party, so there's no concern from me.
  6. Well. I was trying to find the second scum, but before we deal with Sunflower we should probably take advantage of this vulnerability. I think we have the numbers for it--it's not MYLO, right?
  7. This sort of thing's happened before. Just let staff handle it, don't spend time arguing in thread.
  8. Pretty sure you don't have authority to lock another GM's thread especially as a player of the GM's game. Plus, it's kind of a dick move (again).
  9. Damn. Not what I was going for though, but that's funny that it could have killed him. Still a dick move putting so much pressure on a lady.
  10. Well, you could too you know. Did you have an option to write in the book or pass it, or could you do both in one night?
  11. I'm guessing it's a choice between writing a name inside or passing it.
  12. You're saying it can be opened and passed in the same night?
  13. Double check. If you don't, then there's no way Shade could have spoken to Verti60 and the shinigami is lying.
  14. @OrangeP47, do you have the option to open the Notebook during the day as a private action?
  15. Yesterday? So you gave him the Notebook on Night 2?
  16. I saw your hints. There's no need to be upfront about them now. I do have a question though. How much do you know about the Curse mechanic in the game?
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