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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Tbh he could be playing the Shade way and building to counter Rockets rather than worry about the NPCs, but I think he might be building to counter Trainers. It's still a toss-up. Oh, so you've caught on?
  2. I didn't even mention that on Day 2. I have a pretty good read on Category 5, but with proof to back it up.
  3. I think it's more likely that NPCs can have rosters like ours but we don't battle them consecutively. In other words, locations can each be investigated multiple times until the NPC is "eliminated".
  4. I'll offer mine up so he feels more at home. I've got a Lv30 Jolteon with Thunder as my primary today. More than willing to take on a Psyduck if it turns out I've got the best chance.
  5. He shouldn't have a problem telling us what that counter is, then. If he's going to emphasize "team" so much, he should put his cards on the table.
  6. Not true. I have an idea of who your partner might be if you're scum. At the moment, though, I'm weakened and so I'm biding my time.
  7. Big difference in choosing battles wisely and avoiding battles. Retaliation got his ass handed to him by Irish, if he doesn't feel ready to take on a Psyduck with hydro pump I don't blame him. I think you're running out of people to call scum.
  8. It's not obvious or I would have responded. Do you know how to not be stupid with words?
  9. Agreed, if he's spent all his training on one Pokemon, he wouldn't want to risk it unless it had a type advantage or he had an item advantage. I'd feel the same way.
  10. No. Furthest I got on my wiiu was just before Whitney.
  11. I crashed at Kurt and lost motivation to beat Falkner again.
  12. Are you sure you're cut out for this? Clearly you're not the hero of this story. Maybe you ought to retire.
  13. I think of @Category 5 Hurricane and @Retaliation follow suit with the votes, we could ask for an early hammer. There isn't any new information for us to discuss like there would be in normal mafia games, unless some players had some special night actions done to them.
  14. GM usually gives rules for that in the OP. General rule of thumb is no early hammers to allow discussion to keep flowing and open the possibility of new information. Players would want to be able to react to such revelation.
  15. I'd rather send Sunflower today, then. She has the same advantage I do but one extra life to work with.
  16. In fact, given my items: ##trainer jeod ##rocket route 34
  17. That said, I do feel confident that I can win against Psyduck today. I have a Lv30 electric type.
  18. Right, even if he’s town his word choices leave much to be desired. Also, whoever hands out gifts should definitely be careful with who they’re handed to. Definitely.
  19. I don’t trust shade to properly relay his investigation results if he wins.
  20. Wow, that Wobuffet is gonna be a beast to take down (if we have to take him down).
  21. Welp, off to bed for the night. Good luck!
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