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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. You haven't tracked Category 5 or Killing_You anywhere? Two players with visiting abilities ripe for the tracking, I'd be on their butts every night until I had an independently verifiable claim.
  2. Brigitte can assuming the player she scouts actually trains their other Pokemon.
  3. It's obvious now that scum have locked abilities, probably to give everyone time to train up their team and to throw town for a loop. Shade's on the right track piecing character and ability claims together, although it might not be that helpful in the end.
  4. I have no way of proving my character and ability yet I still claimed it. Out with it.
  5. Matter of fact, I'll even go so far as to vote ##noscum as a way to ask the GM for proof that scum do or do not currently exist. Because if there are currently no scum, then we should be able to end the game.
  6. So if we're suggesting the results are insane, then that means Category 5, myself, Brigitte, and Killing_You are in the clear. However, I think the third investigation is telling a different story. And if it turns out I was scum the whole time, I'm gonna flip.
  7. Yeah I meant the differences between the color versions, not the prequels/sequels.
  8. I've never played through Black/White or Black2/White2. I just started that today (Black). Are the city differences big enough to warrant playing four games? (Probably going to use a save editor to transfer my team from one to the other)
  9. Also, scum being dormant (too well-disguised) explains a lot.
  10. Wait a second...someone mentioned a Grimer a few pages back.
  11. Yes it is. “I want to defect!” And rather give KY the option of keeping a Meowth, he was given unlimited night posts.
  12. Then again, from a scum perspective you might not consider that investigations can confirm town alignments as well as hint towards scum.
  13. You’re once again making the incorrect, more complicated assumption that Meowth belonged to a player. It’s obviously an npc designed to fill the cop role. But hey, scum wouldn’t want to have a confirmed town, right?
  14. Early hammer, we’re not changing anything.
  15. This was actually meant to show that shade having a revive ability doesn’t disqualify him from being scum, with the second point showing that a scum revive ability could easily be used to gain town points. I’d be saying the same about KY if the second investigation didn’t prove him to be town.
  16. This clears up a lot on my end as well. Though shade can still be scum, it’s less likely now. Time to hit the pages again, because I still don’t think Cat5 is acting quite right.
  17. You’re grossly over-relying on people not reading the thread to verify your statements.
  18. Then stop trying to say I’m accusing retaliation when I’ve said multiple times that I think he’s town.
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