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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I’m glad you fell into my trap, Irish, as only a player with knowledge of Articuno’s moveset would notice such a minor detail and turn it into a big issue. Yes I’m aware of Reflect’s status in gen2 and what it does. I chose to phrase the opposite to see who would call it out. You see, I’m on Retaliation’s Radio Show. And we decided to set a trap.
  2. I’m curious about why you’re so worried about Articuno’s moveset. Reflect is a good move to put on Mewtwo. Did you think I was talking about Articuno?
  3. Which makes @Shade939 healing Houndoom a priority.
  4. I only have one life left, and I have a choice between using Miltank or Jolteon for the double battle tomorrow. Jolteon can match Mewtwo in speed, so if it doesn't go down today, then I'll lean Jolteon tomorrow. On the other hand, Miltank's physical moves would be better to counter Reflect.
  5. Rather he didn't, since having that be public knowledge prevents scum from having to ensure they don't accidentally slip by trying to avoid a specific battle.
  6. I know he's not scum, I just like to poke massive holes in his arguments.
  7. Look how far you've come--you've got a mafia ego now too!
  8. Are you afraid of Articuno popping out? Perhaps it ended up being your primary when you stole it?
  9. Promote me instead. I'll send you some anime for the trouble.
  10. It's Irish or Shade today, neither have lost a Pokemon yet. We can't have player blackouts yet.
  11. ##Trainer TheIrishMan ##Rocket Killing_You
  12. OP scum much? Investigations didn’t even really help us.
  13. So who's prepared to take on Mewtwo today?
  14. Okay, my PM doesn't mention Moltres being stolen. I have two options for tomorrow, provided @Category 5 Hurricane decides to give me a training bonus. Jolteon is currently Lv30, and with a Rain Dance Mewtwo, he could only use it if he's willing to let an electric-type opponent benefit from it as well. I'll wait until about an hour before daystart to select my new primary. Make your night posts count!
  15. Well, someone else would have called it out anyway. There's no fun in cheap tricks.
  16. But by all means, keep the crit roll. :P
  17. Hold up, Sky Attack is supposed to charge for one turn first.
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