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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. He’s had it coming for 75 pages or so.
  2. The only thing you’re accomplishing by disagreeing with everything at every turn is showing how much of a dipshit you are. Grow some balls, an ai distributing healing randomly would be preferable if it meant not having to see your lame pride every few posts.
  3. Honestly shade you should just stop talking.
  4. Still convinced Irish needs to be battling. The only thing he’s doing is trying to explain why someone else should.
  5. We also can't verify that he actually has a Zapdos. It could be that Shade was the intended recipient but he denied the opportunity, so Zapdos simply isn't in play. This begs the question of what happened to Wobuffet, if it's truly gone. Perhaps its strength was added to another Pokemon's...
  6. Espeon vs Mewtwo mean Psychic moves are 1/2 as effective, not suitable for a 1v1. I don't think TheIrishMan intended to battle today.
  7. See some of us use our brains instead of complaining.
  8. Yes, that’s...that’s why I laid the trap.
  9. I agree, however I do think I’m on to something. I’m out for the moment (Mobile), but I’ll be at my desk later tonight and tomorrow to put things together.
  10. You need to stop trying to be right. You can’t change fact.
  11. Please, you always take 1/2 hour breaks anyway
  12. Early hammer then so you have time to read while we wait for Irish to battle.
  13. Retaliation battled with Articuno as well I believe so if your angle is that I had to find out, I found out the same time as everyone else.
  14. This morning or last night. It wasn’t a carefully crafted plan, I just told him I’d try to bait scum with the moveset.
  15. You should be battling today. @Brigitte can scan you tonight for Articuno. I highly suspect you have it.
  16. Any number of the claimed rosters, from a town perspective you would immediately think I was alluding to my partner suspect, not Articuno.
  17. I propose you noticed that Articuno had it and came to the conclusion, and then figured you could use it to try to say I’m scum.
  18. Tell me, why did Mewtwo being unable to learn it mean that I had to be referring to Articuno?
  19. This is why I voted for you to fight KY. You’re the partner and he’s the front.
  20. Under the assumption that it’s a common Mewtwo move, the only reason anyone would have to question it is if they had Articuno.
  21. Fact and fiction aren’t the point here, the point is why you even cared. It’s because you have Articuno so noticing the discrepancy was more natural!
  22. In simpler terms, why would a player without a connection to Reflect bother to look it up and research it?
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