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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. “KY is the strongest Rocket, so he’s an Executive” or “KY is an Executive, so he’s the strongest Rocket”. There’s a difference.
  2. Let me get this straight. You want our scouter, who is down to their last life and just told you about a potential danger to taking out Mewtwo (Lapras), to battle? Even if she were on the trainer side KY would still focus her down first.
  3. Supposing vs a plan to ensure the confirmed scum (probably strongest too) loses.
  4. I don’t think there is a third scum and we are not changing the plan on a whim, especially not at your suggestion.
  5. Read: not needed unless necessary. Houndoom can two-shot Mewtwo, EQ only does 54 damage or something to it.
  6. I'm dying from this battle, I don't need to use Earthquake unless it's necessary to take out Mewtwo. That was just fluff.
  7. This is the kind of "bend the rules" I've been waiting for. It's time to do this Jeod-style.
  8. Correct. Don't expect me to try fighting them.
  9. But again that's just shit-talking, I don't intend to come out of this one alive.
  10. Technically I don't take a penalty if I use an area damaging move like Earthquake, so it's entirely up to KY if he's willing to take the penalty to save his Mewtwo for later.
  11. A two-shot for Crunch? Cool. ##Trainer Retaliation
  12. In fact, @Killing_You, if you truly want a fair fight, your partner could be one of the trainers.
  13. Besides, you can consider me the "back-up" in case the two trainers can't take you down.
  14. Too bad, chum. We've lost 3 Pokemon to your one Mewtwo, and still have to take down one more.
  15. I'm down to my last Pokemon, so yeah. You'll have to contend with either taking a penalty to win or lose your Mewtwo.
  16. Bulbapedia for everything when it comes to looking up moves. @Shade939, remember Houndoom needs a heal.
  17. You "forgot"? But you supposedly researched Mewtwo and Articuno earlier. Even if you didn't know Mewtwo has the highest base stats, you would have noticed his speed stat.
  18. Gives Irish more time to prepare. Shade should fight in the double battle tomorrow. Weaken scum first.
  19. Except shade didn’t lead with saying snorlax is why he wants to battle.
  20. 75+ pages is not banter, it’s pride-fueled hampering.
  21. You didn’t even consider leading with that, did you?
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