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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. For those of you who don’t get the reference:
  2. I’m the father, I wasn’t the one on the table. You think I’d be GMing while I’m getting checked out? 😂
  3. Baby Jeod is perfectly healthy btw
  4. Shade sends a magic arrow straight for iliketosnipe! But it phases right through him!
  5. Oh my god you’re really going to make me resolve this while I’m getting her ultrasound? One moment...
  6. DAY TWO Rise and shine! I have a busy day ahead of me today (wife's first OBGYN), so I'm kicking things off early--I don't know if I'll be busy with family at hammertime. I did receive all night actions, too, so everything's set. Category 5 Hurricane was killed last night! He was Doctor Strange and town. Hammer time will not be altered due to the early start. You have an extended day phase. Use the time wisely!
  7. NIGHT ONE I’m asked a lot, so here’s an explanation of night action usage in this game. You can use one night action per night. This includes the standard night kill, so mafia will need to coordinate to decide who performs it. Item actions, however, are not counted against this. As I said earlier, the infinity stones have two actions associated with them—a stone’s specific action, and the pass action. You can opt not to use a stone and pass it, or to use it and keep it, or to use it and pass it in the same night. That said, you've all decided to lynch TheIrishMan today! However, TheIrishMan cannot be lynched! As usual, you're all allowed two nightposts. Any more will place a penalty vote on you for the next day.
  8. It is not okay to continue a thread after it has been locked by creating a new thread.
  9. Damn, it was a really detailed tree diagram of the order I process night actions.
  10. Has anyone seen my "order of resolution" post anywhere? I remember making one, but I can't remember which game I posted it in.
  11. As usual they need to control the vote by outnumbering everyone, and even if they control the vote, if there's a day action that can kill a scum member, the game won't end.
  12. Yes he did. Thanks for keeping up.
  13. CvC reminder, about two hours left:
  14. I have seen this and it is revolting.
  15. I posted a video in the first day post. You can use the official mcu wiki to learn more.
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